The Harp of Aleth

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Book: The Harp of Aleth by Kira Morgana Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Morgana
discovered the locations of all the traps on the way to the treasury where the Harp should be.” He raised one hand to catch the little blood bat who fluttered into the space above his head. “It will be a simple matter to disarm them; some fool has linked them all to one Alarm Trap in front of a Guard Post manned by a pair of hell hounds. Trigger that, stay out of the way while the creatures swarm and…” his voice trailed away as a wailing scream echoed through the corridors.
    “Sweet Goddess of Music! Quick, back into the Library,” Julissa hissed and led by example.
    Qin-Dar followed her, looking back with concern. “What about Tavia?”
    “If it’s her doing, then she shall taste my sword,” Virrinel growled, his hackles rising and giving him a menacing air.
    Joran placed one hand on the autochthons arm.
    “Steady, brother. Let us make sure our Lady is safe before we go looking for trouble.”
    Virrinel nodded. “Good idea. You go with her; I’ll bring up the rear.”
    Joran hurried down the corridor after the two women and Virrinel paced behind him, all his senses stretching out around him and his whiskers quivering.
    As they reached the library doors, a squad of Demon Spawn clattered past the crossroads, their claws scraping on the paving. They were accompanied by sharp nosed hell hounds.
    Luckily the hells hounds’ baying and barking covered Virrinel’s aggressive hiss.
    “Virrinel! Get your tail inside this library,” Julissa whispered.
    Reluctantly he did as he was told.
    Before they shut the door, Joran fed the Blood Bat again and sent it out to keep an eye on the situation. He chose one of the chairs, sat down and closed his eyes. After a moment, he started recounting what was happening.
    “It’s Tavia. She’s wearing some kind of strange armour and is fighting the creatures as they come into the guard post.”
    “Is she getting hurt?” Virrinel asked, his whiskers still twitching.
    “No. There appears to be a shield spell embedded in the armour. Good thing too, I don’t think armour like that would protect much of her body.” Joran chuckled. “Oh she just took out a pair of Dark Mistresses with one slice. That’s some sword she has there.”
    Silence fell, punctuated by chuckles and gasps from Joran. Julissa’s face dropped further with every noise and Virrinel subtly put himself between his blood brother and his mistress. I wouldn’t want Joran to get hurt before we get out of this place.
    Finally, Julissa’s patience snapped.
    “Ser Joran. If Tavia is keeping the creatures occupied, we should have a clear run down to the Treasury.”
    Joran opened his eyes momentarily.
    “That is true. I’ll send my little friend into the Training room as I believe that was the next port of call, and see if there’s anyone in there.”
    “Good. Virrinel, move back out to the crossroads and keep watch. You know how to contact me if you see anything.” The Autochthon nodded grudgingly and left the room.
    Qin-Dar sniffed the air as Joran shut his eyes again.
    “I smell something wrong.”
    “This whole place is wrong.” Julissa’s temper was not improving. “There weren’t supposed to be any creatures here. Tavia…” she trailed off and frowned. “How did Tavia get to the guard post and into that fight without us seeing her come past?”
    “That’s what I smell. There is more than one dark force at work in this disgusting place.” Qin-Dar shook herself. “Let us get the harp and retreat to safety as fast as possible.”
    Joran’s eyes snapped open.
    “Excellent idea, Lady Qin-Dar. The way is clear to the training room and it is empty; even the guard post outside its south-eastern entrance is vacant.” He stood up and moved to the door. As he opened it, the blood bat fluttered in and landed on his shoulder, its mouth opening and closing in the same way as a dog would pant.
    Qin-Dar looked at the bat.
    “Ser Joran. I suggest that you leave your friend in here. He is too exhausted

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