The Heart of a Hero

The Heart of a Hero by Janet Chapman Read Free Book Online

Book: The Heart of a Hero by Janet Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Chapman
Tags: Romance
descended when the receptionist had mentioned Trisha. “Okay, look; I didn’t wrench my back last night,” she finally admitted. “Dad’s on one of his binges, and when he came at me last night I didn’t duck in time. That’s why I need to get off this mountain and make sure Trish is okay. I have to go home
    “We have a plan for that,” Olivia said, working her finger across her cell’s screen. “I’ll have someone drive you. Nicholas,” she said into the phone, smiling when Julia gasped, “I need you to pick up one of our staff at Foxglove Cottage and drive her home. She has a family emergency. No, wait; she hurt her back, so run up and get my truck. It’ll be easier for her to get in and out of. We’ll be waiting out front. Foxglove,” she reminded him, touching the screen again and slipping the phone in her pocket. “Come on, let’s get you in your jacket and wait on the porch. He’ll only be a minute.”
    “Is there someone else who could drive me?” Julia whispered as Olivia helped her into her coat. “Please?”
    Olivia stopped with the sleeves halfway up Julia’s arms. “You have a problem with Nicholas?” she asked in surprise.
    “He gave me a ride home from the parking lot yesterday.” Julia pulled her coat all the way on, then looked down to button it up. “And he . . . um, my father insisted that I kiss Nicholas to thank him for the ride, and he . . . he . . .”
    Olivia pressed her hands to Julia’s flaming cheeks and lifted her face. “And he what?” she whispered.
    “He kissed me. To shut up my father, Nicholas pulled me into his arms and kissed me, then said ‘you’re welcome’ and drove away.”
    Olivia encircled Julia’s shoulders and headed for the door. “Well, the man is rather astute when it comes to reading situations, and no one could ever say he’s not fast on his feet—or with his lips, apparently,” she added with a chuckle. She stopped on the porch. “I bet you nearly fainted.”
    “I was humiliated, and he was appalled. The guy had to
me to escape.”
    “Or he could have simply turned and walked away.”
    “I don’t need to embarrass myself to him twice. Can’t someone else drive me?”
    Olivia gave her a tender smile. “Let it go, Julia. You don’t have a monopoly on embarrassment. And don’t forget, he got a
. And when have you known any man to have a problem with that?” Olivia slipped her arm through Julia’s when they heard a vehicle coming up the cart path, and led her down the stairs. “Trust me; Nicholas is the man you want backing you up if there’s trouble at home.”
    Julia blew out a resigned sigh. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be thirty years old and still have your father embarrassing you? Most girls outgrow that by their late teens, but I’ll probably still be blushing when they’re throwing dirt on my grave.”
    “If any of the female workers hear that Nicholas finally kissed one of you ladies . . . well, let’s just keep this our little secret, okay?” Olivia said, her eyes gleaming. “And I promise not to ask if your insides clenched and your palms started sweating and your heart started racing so fast you thought you might faint, if you promise to let it go. Deal?” she said with a laugh when Julia just gaped at her. Olivia sobered when a pearl-white SUV pulled up beside them and stopped. “Now go see what’s going on at home. I’ll finish your cottage. Nicholas,” Olivia said when he came around the truck as she led Julia to the passenger’s door. “The front desk just got a call that something’s going on at Julia’s house. I believe you know where she lives?”
    He stilled after opening the door and snapped his gaze first to Olivia, then to Julia, then back to Olivia. “Ah, yes, I do.”
    Feeling as if her cheeks were about to blister, Julia slid in and fastened her seat belt, folded her shaking hands on her lap, and stared out the windshield. Darn it, why was

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