The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate

The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich Read Free Book Online

Book: The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eugene Ehrlich
Tags: General, Reference, Dictionaries, Language Arts & Disciplines
adverb , chariness noun .
    childish (CH I L-dish) adjective
    1. of, like, or befitting a child.
    2. puerile, weak, unsuitable for an adult.
    Do not confuse childish with childlike , which see.
    Related words: childishly adverb , childishness noun .
    childlike (CHILD- L I K ) adjective
    like or befitting a child, as in innocence, meekness, or frankness.
    Be careful to maintain the distinction between childlike and childish when applying these adjectives to adults. Childlike is entirely complimentary, but childish in the sense of unsuitable for an adult is pejorative. While we may be charmed by childlike innocence in a woman, we surely are repelled by childish behavior in the same woman or in any other adult. In short, we admire childlike innocence and we abhor temper tantrums and other childish behavior in a grown man or woman.
    Related word: childlikeness noun .
    chrestomathy (kres-TOM- e -thee) noun, plural chrestomathies
    a collection of choice literary passages, especially to help in learning a language.
    Related word: chrestomathic ( KRES -t e -MATH-ik) adjective .
    chthonic (THON-ik) adjective , also given as chthonian (THOH-nee- e n)
    dwelling in the underworld.
    cicerone ( SIS - e -ROH-nee) noun, plural cicerones ( SIS - e -ROH-neez) and ciceroni ( SIS - e -ROH-nee)
    a guide, especially for sightseers.
    cicisbeo ( CHEE -chiz-BAY-oh) noun, plural cicisbei ( CHEE -chiz-BAY-ee)
    a male escort or lover of a married woman.
    Related word: cicisbeism ( CHEE -chiz-BAY-iz- e m) noun .
    climactic (kl I -MAK-tik) adjective , also given as climactical (kl I -MAK-ti-k e l)
    pertaining to a climax.
    Do not confuse climactic with climatic , which see.
    Related word: climactically adverb .
    climatic (kl I -MAT-ik) adjective , also given as climatical (kl I -MAT-i-k e l) and climatal (KL I -mi-t e l)
    pertaining to climate.
    The confusion of the words climatic and climactic is usually a problem of pronunciation rather than usage. As you probably have noticed, climatic is frequently used mistakenly in substandard speech when climatic , a less commonly used adjective, conveys the intended meaning. Rarely, however, is climactic used when climatic is intended. While in published writing the confusion of climatic , pertaining to climate , and climactic , per taining to a climax , is seldom seen, over time the confusion will probably begin to appear in books and newspapers and should be guarded against. What we say eventually influences what we write, as any teacher of writing knows.
    Related words: climatically adverb .
    coeval (koh-EE-v e l) adjective
    1. of the same age, date, or duration; equally old.
    2. coincident.
    Related words: coevality ( KOH -i-VAL-i-tee) noun , coevally (koh-EE-v e -lee) adverb .
    cognizable (KOG-n e -z e -b e l) adjective
    1. perceptible.
    2. recognizable.
    Related word: cognizably (KOG-n e -z e -blee) adverb .
    cognizant (KOG-n e -z e nt) adjective
    collation (k e -LAY-sh e n) noun
    a light meal.
    colloquium (k e -LOH-kwee- e m) noun, plural colloquiums and colloquia (k e -LOH-kwee- e )
    an academic seminar or conference.
    colloquy (KOL- e -kwee) noun, plural colloquies
    a dialogue or conversation.
    Related word: colloquist noun .
    colporteur (KOL- POR -t e r) noun
    a door-to-door book peddler, especially of Bibles.
    comedo (KOM-i- DOH ) noun, plural comedos and comedones ( KOM -i-DOH-neez)
    a blackhead.
    comestibles (k e -MES-t e -b e lz) plural noun
    articles of food; edibles.
    Related word: comestible adjective .
    commensurate (k e -MEN-s e r-it) adjective
    corresponding in amount, extent, or magnitude;

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