The Hired Hero

The Hired Hero by Andrea Pickens Read Free Book Online

Book: The Hired Hero by Andrea Pickens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Pickens
Tags: Romance
“Whose is this?” she inquired, her eyes falling to the fine lawn material.
    “Oh, that’s an old one of Lady Atherton’s. Lucky the two of you are close to the same size, though yer a mite taller.”
    Caroline’s eyes narrowed with interest. “His lordship—she tried to remember his name—is married, then?”
    At that moment, the doctor walked in, followed by Davenport. “I see our patient is awake this morning and able to take a little sustenance.” He nodded in approval at the empty bowl. “Nothing more than gruel today, then tomorrow maybe I shall allow something more substantial.”
    Caroline’s stomach growled in protest.
    Mrs. Collins cleared the tray, making room for Dr. Laskins at the side of the bed. He felt Caroline’s forehead, then took gentle hold of her wrist.
    “No sign of fever,” he said. “And the pulse feels strong. You have a good constitution, young lady, to have weathered the ordeal you have been through with no further ill-effects.” His hand moved to Caroline’s shoulder. The mere touch made her wince.
    The doctor’s expression turned to one of concern. “However, we are going to have to deal with that injury. The shoulder has come out of its socket. It must be set back.”
    Caroline closed her eyes She had seen such a thing happen to a groom at Roxbury Manor. She could still remember his screams as three men had wrestled to pop the offending limb back into place.
    Davenport spoke for the first time. “Is there no alternative?”
    The doctor shook his head. “It must be done. Perhaps a footman might come up and assist me?”
    Davenport pulled a face. “I have no footmen. I shall lend a hand—but wait.” He left the room and returned in a few minutes with a large tumbler filled with amber liquid.
    “Drink this,” he ordered.
    Caroline looked at him in consternation. “Wha...”
    As soon as she opened her mouth, the earl grasped her jaw and unceremoniously dumped the entire contents of the glass down her throat.
    Caroline sputtered wildly, sending a spray of tiny droplets over the front of Davenport’s shirt. “That...that was  extremely unnecessary. You needn’t have forced me!”
    “I have little time to argue,” he countered.
    “You are no gentleman.” She glowered at him.
     “So I have been told on numerous occasions,” he muttered.
     “What was that foul...” Caroline sniffed the air, then shot the earl a scathing look. “Do you always reek of brandy?”
    “Only when driven to it by difficult females,” he answered through clenched teeth. He looked down at his soiled shirt in dismay. Damnation, he would have to change, else his men think he was no different than the previous earl. And that was his last clean shirt. He glared back at the girl, then turned his gaze to the doctor. “A few more minutes and we should be able to begin.”
    The doctor smiled grimly and folded his arms across his chest.
    “What do you mean?” asked Caroline.
    Davenport ignored her question and began to converse with the other man about the weather, the state of Squire Dawson’s broken leg and the price of wheat as if she wasn’t there.
    Caroline felt a rush of anger. At least, it must be that, for she felt hot all over. It was strange, however. In the past, even when she had really lost her temper, she had never felt so...odd. She narrowed her eyes, for it was becoming increasing difficult to focus.
    All of a sudden she giggled. “Stop swaying! You are making me dizzy,” she said to the earl, though it was her own head that was lolling from side to side.
    The doctor rolled up his sleeves. “I think we may begin.”
    “I feel terrible,” announced Caroline, her speech slightly slurred.
    “You are about to feel worse,” replied Davenport as he took hold of her good arm.
    The doctor grasped the other one below the elbow and began manipulating it back and forth. At the first touch, Caroline gave a little cry of pain.
     “Steady now,” urged the earl.
    She gritted her

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