her description. A friend
of mine helped me send out a coded transmission. My acquaintances will discover it
and unscramble the transmission. I included what pictures I could find of her,
obviously all of them are over five winters old. My instructions are that if she is located,
to notify me immediately, not to alert her but simply tail her, to ensure that she runs
into no danger…and to assume her Runner warrior skills are superb.” Beel paused only
for a moment to give Ana a triumphant smile. “And I made Papa aware that the
transmission was being sent so that he wouldn’t suspect anything if he discovered it. Of
course, the lord does believe the message is worded a bit differently.”
“I don’t know that Meah will be visiting many brothels for your acquaintances to be
able to notice her,” Ana muttered, since she knew her decision to do something behind
her mama’s back was being mocked.
Andru held his hand up. “Enough. This is not how I pictured my homecoming
would be.” He walked over to his sister and stroked her hair, not able to be in her
presence for long periods of time without touching her. “Beel, I’m sure they’re
searching for us as we speak.”
“I’m surprised they haven’t come here looking for us yet.” Gilroy came up behind
Ana, and placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Go to Papa and when he asks you about us, which I daresay he’ll do immediately,
tell him you saw us celebrating with friends at this end of town. We’ll appear shortly
behind you.”
Beel reached for the doorknob then looked at the three of them. “Regardless of what
I say to our papa, he’ll suspect you know of Gowsky’s offer. Papa doesn’t
underestimate your abilities or your loyal subjects.”
“You’re right.” Andru’s expression didn’t change.
“A distraction of some kind…possibly something certain to anger him, will allow
you more time.”
“We think alike, my brother.” Andru smiled slowly. “I’ve already conceived a
“I shall follow your lead, my lord.” Beel turned and strolled out the door.
“What is this plan?” Ana asked.
“Us, the three of us.” Andru grinned at her. “It is the perfect issue that will
completely annoy our papa.”
“Think of another plan.” Ana shook her head quickly and took a step back from her
brother…and into Gilroy’s iron chest.
“We’ll need Gothman wine. We must appear intoxicated,” Gilroy suggested.
“Perfect.” Andru nodded.
The Illegitimate Claim
“And I suggest the scene begin behind your house. The soldiers will be gathered
and we can mingle among them,” Gilroy said.
“It will work, one of them will discreetly notify Papa. I daresay, I don’t
underestimate his abilities, or his loyal subjects either.”
Ana looked up at the two men, one in front of her, one behind her…both talking to
each other over her head as if she weren’t in the room—or a major component to their
deceitful scheme.
Andru wrapped several fingers through Ana’s loose hair and sauntered toward the
door as he spoke. Gilroy fell into stride—or more like a slow, contemplative stroll. He
rested one large, rather hot hand on the small of Ana’s back, and guided her out of the
bedroom and down the wide hallway.
“Are there servants in the house?” Andru spoke barely above a whisper.
“Several,” Ana whispered back, and realized her brother wanted the servants to see
the three of them leave the bedroom together. “Andru, I would think drunken behavior
would be ample enough distraction.”
“Ah, but definitely not as much fun, my lady,” Andru said, and turned to place a
kiss on her forehead before she could respond. “We’ll teach Papa not to mess with our
lives without retaliation.”
As he kissed her, Gilroy lowered his hand and squeezed her rear end. In spite of
herself, she
Ahmed, the Oblivion Machines (v2.1)