The Italian Renaissance

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Book: The Italian Renaissance by Peter Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Burke
Maffei, D., Il giovane Machiavelli banchiere con Berto Berti a Roma. Florence: Giunti, G. Barbera, 1973.
— Gli inizi dell’umanesimo giuridico . 2nd edn, Milan: Giuffrè, 1972.
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Malaguzzi-Valeri, F., La corte di Lodovico il Moro , 4 vols. Milan: Hoepli, 1913–23.
— Pittori Lombardi del quattrocento . Milan: L. F. Cogliati, 1902.
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Mannheim, K., Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge . London: Oxford University Press, 1952.
Marabottini, A., ‘I collaboratori’, in Raffaello: l’opera, le fonti, la for-tuna , ed. M. Salmi, 2 vols, 1, pp. 199–203. Novara: Agostini, 1968.
Marchant, E., and A. Wright (eds) With and Without the Medici: Studies in Tuscan Art and Patronage, 1434–1530 . Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998.
Martin, A. von, The Sociology of the Renaissance . Eng. trans., new edn, New York, 1963.
Martines, L., Power and Imagination: City-States in Renaissance Italy . New York: Knopf, 1979.
— The Social World of the Florentine Humanists, 1390–1460 . London: Princeton University Press, 1963.
Martini, G. S., La bottega di un cartolaio fiorentino della seconda metà del quattrocento . Florence: Olschki, 1956.
Maruyama, M., Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan . Princeton , NJ, and Tokyo: Princeton University Press, 1974.
Marx, K., and F. Engels, F., The German Ideology (1846). Eng. trans., Moscow: Progress, 1964.
Massing, J.-M., Du texte à l’image: la Calomnie d’Apelle et son iconographie . Strasbourg: Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 1990.
Mather, R., ‘Documents relating to Florentine painters and sculptors’, Art Bulletin 30 (1948), pp. 20–65.
Matthew, L. C., ‘The painter’s presence: signatures in Venetian Renaissance pictures’, Art Bulletin 80, pp. 616–48.
—‘Were there open markets for pictures in Renaissance Venice?’ in Fantoni, M., et al. (eds), The Art Market in Italy, 15th–17th Century , ed. M. Fantoni et al., pp. 253–61. Modena: F. C. Panini, 2003.
Matthews-Greco, S., and G. Zarri, ‘Committenza artistica feminile’, Quaderni Storici 104 (2000), pp. 283–95.
Mattingly, G., Renaissance Diplomacy . London: Penguin, 1955.
Medcalf, S., ‘On reading books from a half-alien culture’, in The Later Middle Ages , ed. S. Medcalf, pp. 1–55. London: Holmes & Meier, 1981.
Medin, A., and L. Frati (eds), Lamenti storici 3. Bologna: Romagnoli, 1890.
Meiss, M., ‘Masaccio and the early Renaissance’, in Renaissance and Mannerism , ed. I. E. Rubin, pp. 123–43.Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1963.
— Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1951.
—Review of Antal, Florentine Painting and its Social Background , Art Bulletin 30 (1948), pp. 143–50.
Menocal, M. R., The Arabic Role in Medieval Literary History: A Forgotten Heritage . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987.
Michalsky, T., ‘The local eye: formal and social distinctions in late quattrocento Neapolitan tombs’, Art History 31 (2008), pp. 484–504.
Michelacci, L., Giovio in Parnasso . Bologna: Il Mulino, 2004.
Michelangelo, Carteggio , ed. G. Poggi, 5 vols. Florence, 1965–83. Eng. trans. E. H. Ramsden as The Letters of Michelangelo . London: Peter Owen, 1963.
Migiel, M., and J. Schiesari (eds), Refiguring Woman: Perspectives on Gender and the Italian Renaissance . Ithaca, NY: Cornell University

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