The Lesson of Her Death

The Lesson of Her Death by Jeffery Deaver Read Free Book Online

Book: The Lesson of Her Death by Jeffery Deaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffery Deaver
a, you know, cult killer.”
    Slocum lectured, “Not so, Chief. A good percentage of sacrifice killers know their victims.”
    “Oh. I didn’t know that.”
    The meeting was meandering away from Corde. He said emphatically, “We have a lot of unknowns here. Maybe robbery wasn’t a motive. But maybe it was. Maybe he got scared before he could take her valuables.”
    Slocum laughed. “Bill, she had a diamond necklace. When he was through doing it to her he could’ve snatched it, just like that.” He illustrated ripping a chain off his own neck. “Wouldn’t take more than two seconds.”
    Ebbans said, “What’s the coroner say about COD?”
    “Just what it looked like. Traumatic asphyxiation. Pinpoint hemorrhages in the eyes. Fractured hyoid. Our man used his hands at first then he finished with a wire or rope. We didn’t find any weapons. The coroner said the man was a foot or so taller than her. He wasn’t so strong. He had to rearrange his grip on her neck several times. He did it from the front. Oh and the coroner guessed he wasn’t married. Or he had a bad sex life with his wife.”
    “Why’s that?” Miller asked.
    “Quantity of the semen. Probably hadn’t had sex for four, five weeks.”
    Jim Slocum said, “Then you mean he had a
sex life with his wife.” Miller laughed out loud; the others except Corde snickered.
    Corde looked at his cards, fanned some out. “Now what I want to do is focus on four areas. First, on the mall and on drivers along 302. I’d like you to handle that, Jim. It’s a tall order. But that’s a real busy road and we probably had some people coming home from the mall around ten that night.” Corde jotted a note on an index card. “Oh, and check out if anybody picked up any hitchhikers.
    “Now, second, T.T., I was thinking maybe you could hit the houses around the pond.”
    Ebbans nodded and Corde said, “Third, Lance and I’ll set up shop at the school and start talking to students and employees.”
    “Yessir.” Even sitting, Miller seemed to be at attention. He reminded Corde of a color guard Marine. “What exactly—”
    “We’ll go over it later. I also want you to talk to the phone company and find out what calls went out from the phones in the dorm from last Saturday through Tuesday night.”
    Miller whistled softly. “Must be a lot of students making a lot of calls, wouldn’t you think?”
    “You would,” Corde said. “And we need a warrant for the dorm room. It’ll be pro forma but you’ve gotta do the paperwork.”
    “And finally I want all the prints on everything we found at the scene matched against known sex offenders in the county. T.T., if you could coordinate that with your office?”
    “Will do. I’ll order the printout.”
    “Wynton, I don’t suppose you folk fingerprint students and professors?”
    “Been my dream and desire but no we don’t.”
    Corde referred to his notes again and started to say something to Kresge then paused. He scanned everyone’s face. “One thing Steve said is right. The
and WRAL are going to be looking at this thing real close. No talking to reporters. Refer everyone to me or Steve or Sheriff Ellison.”
    Echoes of “yup” or “uh-huh” filled the room.
    Corde turned back to the security chief. “You get us a room, William? Uh, Wynton, I mean.”
    “In the Student Union. Off the cafeteria. Room 121. You got it all week, next too if you let me know by Friday.”
    “’Predate it.”
    Kresge cleared his large throat with a snapping sound. “One thing I thought I should mention. I was driving past the pond on my way to work this morning. I just took a stroll around.”
    “What time?” Corde noticed something challenging in his own voice. He wished he’d used more of it.
    “Six-thirty. I left about seven.”
    “You see anybody there?”
    “Yessir,” Kresge said enthusiastically. “A Con Ed tent up the road forty yards past the dam. You know, the kind they use for

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