The Lethal Agent (The Extraction Files Book 2)

The Lethal Agent (The Extraction Files Book 2) by RS McCoy Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Lethal Agent (The Extraction Files Book 2) by RS McCoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: RS McCoy
selected her because she was exceptionally caring, a trait that has been shown to improve long-term success in colonies with juveniles,” Dr. Earhorn announced.
    “I mean, the man is a miner, from one of the Martian mining corporations?”
    “Oh, yes. Based on his apparel and our facial recognition software, the man is Siya Walana,” Dr. Perkins answered.
    “What do we know about him?”
    “He is a twenty-six-year-old miner for the Martian Mining Corporation, specifically their South African arm. He was born in Lesotho to two Craftsmen parents, but he never selected. He has four counts of aggravated assault and an unconfirmed rape charge. A connection in the mining corporation got him off-world before the charges could be investigated.”
    Michael sighed. “What are the potential complications?”
    “Aside from the obvious propensity for violence, we know almost nothing about him. He’s been on Mars, or an interplanetary vessel, for the last nine years. His psychological health is questionable at best. He may react poorly to the presence of a woman and children after years on a male-only crew, especially given his background. We’ve reached out to his superior to get more information about his condition.”
    Michael hated talking about people this way, like they were pieces on a chess board. These colonists were nothing more than mice in a lab to them. Their apathetic analysis disgusted him.
    “Any attempts at communication?”
    “They’ve commed us about a dozen times, but we have selected not to answer until we have a course of action.”
    “What is your recommended course of action?”
    “Well, we have two choices. We can terminate the colony, though it represents a considerable financial investment. Or, we can remain neutral and collect whatever small level of data we can.”
    “You don’t want to remove the miner?” Michael couldn’t believe it.
    Dr. Perkins shook his head. “There is nothing to be gained from it. If the colonists die, the colony parameters will show a failure in the data. It would be an empirical nightmare. Despite the current success of the colony, the data would restrict a second attempt. The Scholar Committee would never approve it after the first showed such a failure.”
    “The data would show a failure? You can’t indicate the interference? You can’t just pull him out and let them continue on?”
    “The colony is intended to be studied in isolation. The miner violated that isolation, but further involvement with the colony will only increase the contamination. The colonists were selected for permanent relocation. They cannot return to Earth. That leaves us with termination or neutrality. And we need your permission for termination.”
    “You won’t get it. Remain neutral if you must, but under no circumstances are you to terminate the colony without further incentive.” Michael stood to signal the end of the meeting. He didn’t need to come down here just to learn they planned to do nothing.
    He could have done that from his office.
    Abigail stood in a single elegant motion and followed him out, offering her farewells to the doctors. She caught up to him several steps later, when he was already in the large main corridor on his way back to his apartment.
    “Don’t waste my time with that. I have enough to consider without being notified every time PC plays god with another colony.”
    Abigail answered quietly, her low voice only for him. “I know you do. I didn’t realize they’d already made a decision. They requested a meeting and said it was urgent. They said nothing about termination.”
    He knew it was likely true. Michael knew better than to shoot the messenger, but she was the only available target. “They wanted permission to kill fifteen people. For no reason. You need to be better informed. I can’t walk into these meetings blind like that.”
    Abigail’s professional tone was cool as ice as she answered. “I’ll be sure to keep you better informed

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