The Mapmakers Union (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 3)

The Mapmakers Union (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 3) by MJ Fletcher Read Free Book Online

Book: The Mapmakers Union (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 3) by MJ Fletcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Fletcher
Tags: Fantasy, YA)
than willing to finish what he had started.
    Gavin had gone on to explain. “There are traitors in each of the Old Kind organizations. We need to route them out before they start a full-fledged war. Ms. True, your mother, Charles, they were just the tip of the iceberg. This goes much deeper than that and it’s been going on for years.”
    “How do you know that?” I had been scared but for the first time I had felt that maybe someone actually could provide me with some answers.
    Gavin had leaned forward across the counter getting closer to me, I can remember the look in his eyes; determined and angry “Several years ago I was on an assignment for the council when I ran into a DS member who had gone rogue. We fought and when I took him prisoner he told me that he wasn’t the only one who had decided to abandon the Societies and he had urged me to join them. He told me that they needed skilled people like me to help their cause. It was imperative if our kind were to survive. Before I could bring him in for questioning he killed himself. After that I kept my eye out and started to see a pattern, more people than usual started going rogue, and then after your mother disappeared it suddenly stopped. Your father’s trial and the fall out were bad. I thought perhaps the threat was over until I was sent on another mission and almost got killed.”
    “What’s unusual about that? There’s always a risk when on a mission.” I had said.
    “No one but the Council had known about my mission, so how then could I have been ambushed?  It had been a set up. Someone on the Council had sent me to be slaughtered. That’s when I realized the First Kind had changed tactics. They hadn’t gone missing; they were hiding in plain sight. They want to bring down the Old Kind from the inside and they’ll kill anyone who gets in their way. I wasn’t a fan of everything the Old Kind did, but I didn’t want to see them destroyed either.
    “How can we stop them?” I had asked.
    “Nightshade had told me about your father and the others working to keep the Council and the First Kind from getting any of the artifacts. I agree it’s a smart plan, but you can also work with me to help discover the traitors and save the people they target. It’ll be dangerous.” He had shrugged letting me know I didn’t have to do it if I didn’t want too.
    “I’m in, I’ll do it.” With those words the last few months had been a whirlwind of secret meetings with sources and training with Gavin who showed me how to fight and access more than just DS abilities. I’d already learned how to do some small Impossible Engineering feats but with practice he assured me that I could access a plethora of abilities. It had helped to keep me focused and working toward the next mission. That way I didn’t have to think about anything else... not that it always helped.
    I finished telling Gavin about everything that had transpired at the Reliquary, and he leaned back on the stool taking it in. I rested against the countertop and waited for him to talk. Gavin had a way of thinking over every angle of a situation before making a move.
    “The Tavern at the End of Time?”
    “That’s the plan, if Edgar can find us a way in.” I chewed nervously at my lip wondering what he was thinking.
    The spot between his eyes creased with concern. “It’s dangerous as hell; I’m surprised your father is letting you go.”
    “He isn’t happy about, either are some of the others. If the First Kind can access the Legend of the Mapmakers Union from afar, who’s to say they can’t steal it just as easily? The Mapmaker’s book is the key. What’s our next move?” I was anxious to start planning another mission and to continue my training.
    Gavin shook his head and traced his finger over the top of his beer bottle.  “No more missions right now.” “What do you mean?” My voice faltered as I took a step toward him.
    “The Tavern is dangerous. You need to focus your

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