The Mapmakers Union (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 3)

The Mapmakers Union (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 3) by MJ Fletcher Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Mapmakers Union (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 3) by MJ Fletcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Fletcher
Tags: Fantasy, YA)
concentration on that mission for now. I don’t want you distracted when you go there. Besides I need to wait on Henna’s report before we can make our next move. It’s not like the last mission was a rousing success.” He scowled like an irate parent. 
     I cursed myself for letting the mission go to hell the way I did. I had had a gut feeling that it would be risky; I should have never gone to that meet. “Look I messed up, I get it.”
    “It’s not that, I’m more concerned about how skillfully you were tracked this time.”
    I thought about the tall tracker who had nearly caught me the other night. If it hadn’t been for Edgar I was sure he would have gotten his hands on me. “But I got away and I even masked my portal signature like you taught me.”
    “From the description you gave me, I think I know the tracker and he’s not someone to take lightly.”
    “Who is it?”
    “His name is DeAndré’ Morgan and he’s one of the best trackers in the Skelton Key Guild. Just because he lost you the other night doesn’t mean he’s given up.”
    I hadn’t even considered the thought that someone could still be tracking me. I figured after I lost the tall guy that was the end of it.
    “It’s not like he knows who I am; he won’t find me,” I said, though wondered if I was being overly confident.
    “Regardless, it is too dangerous to even consider doing anything right now.”
    “But that’s no reason to cease planning another mission. I’ll be more careful next time I swear.” I didn’t want to be left without anything to do while Edgar searched for a way into the Tavern. The idea that I’d have nothing to do but sit around and think frightened the bejeesus out of me.
    “Chloe, the truces have been called off. If we make one mistake we could set off a war. We need to be careful and that means for now we do nothing.” His determined glint told me that I didn’t have a chance in hell of changing his mind.
    “What the hell am I supposed to do?” I kicked at the floor with my boot, unhappy I had been put in this situation.
    “ Prepare , the Tavern is not a place to take lightly.” Gavin took another swig of his beer.
    “You could still train me?” My spirits picked up at the thought of at least being able to do more Polymorph training.
    “Of course, I wouldn’t send you in there unprepared.” He chuckled and I sighed happy for that at least.
    “Good, but, Boss, how many times do I have to ask you to have something other than old pizza and beer in the fridge?” I laughed and poked him in the chest.
    “What’s wrong with beer and pizza?”
    “You’re going to let me drink beer?” I cocked a brow and smiled.
    “Absolutely not, you’re underage.” He rolled his eyes at me.
    “So you’ll send me into life or death situations, but beer is off limits? That makes no sense.” Gavin stared at me and I could see that I had annoyed him with a rather reasonable argument.
    “That’s not the point.” He gritted his teeth in an effort not to laugh.
    I smiled wide. “Did you let Jess have a beer?”
    He stood and walked into the living area to sit.
    ‘We’re not having that conversation again,” he huffed, that conversation being the one where I was curious to know what had happened between him and my cousin.
    I laughed and joined him in the living room area. “I’m just saying I bet you let her have a beer in between kisses.” “For the last time... she kissed me.”
    “Right, Boss, I believe you,” I teased and he tossed a couch pillow at me.
    “You’re a pain in my ass you know that?”
    “That’s why you love me.” I laughed finally feeling as if my dark mood was lifting. Maybe things were actually getting better after all.

Chapter Six
    Status: Yup, things get worse.
    I left Gavin’s loft in a better mood than I had been in sometime. He might not have a mission for me but he was right, I could still train with him and concentrate on learning everything I could about the

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