The Midnight Hour

The Midnight Hour by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online

Book: The Midnight Hour by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Tags: Romance
    She still was.
    Tori straightened her body and leaned against the railing of the boat and looked out into the night. The lights from shore were fading, which meant they were heading deeper and deeper out into the Atlantic and closer toward their mission. She had to put all personal turmoil in dealing with Drake out of her mind and concentrate on Robin Thomas, a woman who was depending on them to bring an end to her nightmare. She just hoped Miss Thomas was still drugged or at best, wouldn't let her abductors know she wasn't one of the president's daughters.
    Tori checked her watch. They would connect with the military boat in a few hours and then it would take a few more before they arrived on the shores of Costa Rica. She eased her body down on a bench, trying to think of anything but the man standing across the boat from her. A man who still had her heart.
    Drake leaned against the rail and watched Tori as she sat down on the bench. Anger boiling, muscles tensed, his gaze raked over her. His attraction to her had risen another notch and there didn't seem to be a damn thing he could do about it. Even while the two of them had been in Casey's office, he'd had a major fight on his hand every time he'd felt himself getting aroused, something that had never happened to him before, especially while conducting business. In his life there was work and there was play. Ever since he had lost Sandy, all women he'd associated with had been labeled for Play but now it seemed the two would be intertwined, although he was determined to keep things separate. Tori Green was the kind of woman a man had sex with, not one to go off on dangerous missions taking risks. They would be placing their lives in each other's hands. He much preferred placing something else of hers in his hands, like the pair of breasts pressing against her black shirt. There was enough light from the moon to illuminate her body and what he saw he found mouthwatering.
    He swallowed deeply. His jaw tensed. His eyes narrowed! Now was not the time to get horny. Maybe he should have made it a point to get laid after he'd recovered but the on opportunity had never presented itself while he had been id Texas. Surrounded by Ashton and his family, as well as Trevor's and his, not to mention all those Madarises, there hadn't been time to slip away and do much of anything. All of them had decided what he needed was rest and plenty of rest was what he'd gotten. Thanks to them he felt fit as an ox, well-adjusted and alert. Too alert. He couldn't dismiss the woman sitting across the boat from his mind.
    After Tori had left Casey's office, he had hung back to talk to the man, trying to get him to understand his need to go solo on missions. But Casey refused to budge on this particular assignment. He and Casey had ended up having a lot of words, some that were still burning his ears, but in the end he had walked out of Casey's office with the same orders intact. He and Tori Green would work together on this mission and would leave out at midnight.
    After leaving Casey's office and checking into his room! he had racked his brain trying to discover what there was about Tori Green that held his attraction and for the life of him he still didn't have a clue other than she was a good-looking woman. He'd come up against good-looking women before and after a good night spent in their bed or his, he had dismissed them from his mind without blinking. But through the rest of the afternoon, including the short nap he'd taken, this one particular woman had invaded his thoughts.
    He had a feeling that Tori Green wouldn't easily get dismissed from his mind or any man's. For the second time he wondered why their paths had never crossed if she had been with the Agency for as long as Casey claimed. When he posed that question to Casey, the man only shrugged and said he assumed for no particular reason they never had, and moved on to something else like that was the end of it. But as far as Drake

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