The Miscreant
another reason why you must not. When a king lives in fear of subjects who rule through the power of the purse, then he is no longer king, and the kingdom is nothing but a state of tyranny.”
    “You know I do not fear for myself but for you and our children.”
    “I spoke to Father Abram today. He told me they confirmed Adam’s…condition.”
    Remiel nodded. “Yes. Gregor is arranging transport to the abbey. He should be safe there, no matter the political outcome. He can no longer be king, so The Guild has no reason to harm him.”
    “When have they ever needed a reason? If they do not have one, they will simply invent one.”
    “There is little else I can do for him now. Should Gregor feel the threat to us is imminent, I have put together a plan to secrete you and the children away in safety.”
    “Is there any place in this world they cannot reach? Their fingers are long and in the pockets of almost everyone of significance.”
    “Not everyone. Some of those who proclaim to support them condemn them behind closed doors. I found a few who would ally with us.”
    “These are your other investors aside from the Free Traders. Who are they?”
    “I cannot say. Their anonymity is of the utmost importance.”
    “You do not trust your own wife?”
    “Implicitly, my love, but I do not trust these walls. The Guild has spies everywhere. I dare not so much as hum a tune on the privy lest they discover my favorite song.”
    “Should the time come, I will stay here with you.”
    “Absolutely not. You will go with the children and keep them safe. You are the strongest, smartest woman I know, and they will need you.”
    “You want me to leave you here to die.”
    “I want you to leave so that what I have done can live.”

    “Psst, Garran,” Matt whispered through the three-inch horizontal space serving as a window to Garran’s jail cell.
    Garran pressed his face against the opening. “It’s about time you showed up.”
    “Sorry, I had to wait until everyone got bored standing around. People are pretty excited. This is the biggest thing to happen in this town for some time.”
    “That’s because these people are all whores, and whores like nothing better than a good screw.”
    “Speaking of which, yours must have been pretty terrible to upset Claire so much.”
    “That bitch. You know she’s lying, don’t you?”
    “Of course. You’re a lot of things, mostly crappy things, but you’re not that.”
    One corner of Garran’s mouth crooked up. “Thanks for your undying loyalty and support. You’ll make as good a character witness as you do a milk bucket.”
    “Don’t blame me for your awful character.”
    “Do you really thing I have an awful character?”
    “I think you are an awful character, but you’re my friend, so I try to see beyond it.”
    “I’m glad you are up to the challenge of being my friend.”
    “And I appreciate that you recognize what an effort it is.” Matt looked around before leaning closer to the opening. “Is there anything I can do out here to help?”
    “Yes. First, I need you to get me a drink. This place is boring beyond belief.”
    “Garran, I say this as your friend. I think you might have a drinking problem.”
    “Possibly, but I think the matter requires more study to establish a definitive conclusion.”
    “I only understood about one in three of those words, but I’ll interpret it as denial.”
    “Sorry, I forget I’m like one of the five people who can read in this backwoods, armpit of a town. In my room is a letter Claire gave me last week. That alone should prove I’m innocent and that she’s a lying little slut.”
    “Okay,” Matt agreed, “what else?”
    “Let’s just say Claire’s nether region wasn’t an unexplored land. Ask around town and find out who all blazed a trail before me.”
    “Okay, I’ll get right on it. I don’t think they are going to wait very long to bring you before the town assembly.”
    “All the more

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