The Missing Golden Ticket and Other Splendiferous Secrets

The Missing Golden Ticket and Other Splendiferous Secrets by Roald Dahl Read Free Book Online

Book: The Missing Golden Ticket and Other Splendiferous Secrets by Roald Dahl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roald Dahl
Find out more about Roald Dahl by visiting the website at
    Published by the Penguin Group
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    First published in Great Britain by Penguin Books Ltd, 2010
    First published in the United States of America by Puffin Books, 2010
    Reissued in this edition by Puffin Books, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2013
    Text and archive photographs copyright © Road Dahl Nominee Ltd, 2010
Illustrations copyright © Quentin Blake, 2010
All rights reserved
    Extracts taken from:
The Roald Dahl Diary 1992
, first published 1991;
Charlie’s Secret Chocolate Box
, first published 1997;
D is for Dahl
, first published 2004;
The Dahlmanac
, first published 2006;
Dahlmanac 2
, first published 2007;
More About Boy
, first published 2008—all published in Puffin Books;
Roald Dahl’s Cookbook
, published by Penguin Books 1996; “Spotty Powder,” first published in
Puffin Post
, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1973; “Strawberry-flavored Chocolate-coated Fudge” and “Butterscotch” from
Roald Dahl’s Revolting Recipes
, published by Jonathan Cape Ltd 1994.
    Dahl, Roald
    The missing golden ticket and other splendiferous secrets / Roald Dahl; illustrated by Quentin
    p.   cm.
    ISBN: 978-1-101-63626-8
    1. Dahl, Roald—Juvenile literature.
    2. Authors, English—20th century—Biography—Juvenile literature.
    I. Blake, Quentin, ill. II. Title
PR6054.A35Z467   2010
    Text design by Dan Newman
    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

Roald Dahl loved secrets .
    This was his advice from
The Minpins
: “Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most likely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

Did you know . . .
    * Augustus Gloop was originally named Augustus Pottle?
Willy Wonka’s Oompa-Loompas were going to be called Whipple-Scrumpets?
    * Cocoa pods are as big as rugby balls.
Roald Dahl wanted to get rid of history teachers and have chocolate teachers instead
    These are just some of the splendiferous secrets you’ll discover in this delicious little treasure trove of Roald Dahl fun facts and surprises. You’ll also meet Quentin Blake, find out how to make strawberry-flavored chocolate-coated fudge (YUM!), sneak a peek at Roald Dahl’s school reports and much, much more.

How Roald Dahl started writing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
took me a terrible long time to write. The first time I did it, I got everything wrong. I wrote a story about a little boy who was going round a chocolate factory and he accidentally fell into a big tub of melted chocolate and got

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