The Monster Within
and slacks for casual Friday or dinner with your in-laws. The guy at the bar has a short beard like Charlie’s but his is blond and his hair is slicked back. He’s handsome. I don’t have a clue how old he is but I peg him at twenty five, but it’s hard to tell. He’s around my age, so why not? He’s got a good build, the kind where he cares enough to work out, but not to go overboard like so many club rats.
    “Well at least he’s wearing a three-piece,” Kendall says to me with those enormous, engaging eyes. They have the power to suck in your soul and I’ve often wondered how lucky Kendall must have been to get eyes like those. Her long, straight black hair is perfectly arranged every time I see her and she’s one of those obnoxious beauties that goes to the gym and ends up looking amazing after a super hard work out. If I could, I would trade lives with Kendall with the snap of a genie’s fingers. “Sweetheart.” Kendall grabs my face and makes me look her in the eyes. “Make sure he’s clean before you let him touch you and you better make him fucking wrap it.”
    “Got it,” I giggle. “See you at ten tomorrow.”
    “Don’t be late,” Kendall says as she gets up and heads for the dance floor where Mason is waiting for her. “You better not be hung over. I want you to work my ass off.”
    I’m sure that Mason is going to be working her ass off tonight. When I asked her once she said that they had sex at least five times a week and she doesn’t see that letting up any time soon. God, I want that back. But so far this week I’m beating her record. I fucked a client at the gym this morning in the bathroom, but he hadn’t been as great as I had hoped. I’m guessing that he was taking something a little illegal to get as big as he was. Looking back at the charcoal man at the bar, I decide that I’m not going to push it. I’m high, tipsy, and I have to be at work by ten tomorrow. I’ll stop at the bar, get a single drink and if he comes over and talks to me, I’ll see where it goes, but I’m not going to push for him to take me home.
    Leaving the small table near the dance floor, the myriad lights change all around me and the strobes nearly blind me, but I pass the tables of men with their opened buttons and their strong arms, their hungry eyes. There’s something about this place that makes me want to run out and touch everyone, to feel their arms all over me, to consume them. That sounds weird, but I can’t help it. I feel hungry. I feel a need. God, I need to get laid. I literally need to fuck Charlie out of my brain, no matter how unhealthy that sounds. Maybe it’s the ecstasy?
    At the bar, I order a Cosmo and sit down on the warm stool that was just recently abandoned. The bartender is cute, but I’m certain that he fucks anyone who throws it at him, so I’m certain that he’s dealing with the clap. I lean on my elbow, putting my chin in my hand and sneak a glance down the bar to where Mr. Charcoal is taking a sip from his martini. I watch him like spy watching a target as he pulls out his olive and eats it. God, I hate it when guys eat olives. Their breath stinks. But then again, alcohol makes their breath stink anyways. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch him step away from the bar and I feel my heart sink.
    He’s not coming to see me. But hey, maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe he has a wife or maybe he has the clap too. Maybe I just saved myself from getting raped with a knife and at least I’ll be able to walk home and save some money on the cab fare in the morning. Looking at the bartender, he winks at me as he slides my Cosmo to me. I feel sick inside. I feel depressed. I ignore the person taking up the post next to me at the bar. It isn’t even midnight and I’m drinking at the bar alone. God, I’m going to be one of those women, aren’t I?
    “Hi,” the man next to me says with a charming enough sounding voice that it makes me want to pass. I’m not interested in the

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