The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1)

The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1) by Matthew M. Johns Read Free Book Online

Book: The New Guard (Crossroads Book 1) by Matthew M. Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew M. Johns
However, she stopped with a large sigh and
a sideways glance at the Owl. She began once again. “My name is Rebekah and
I’ve come from far away. I’ve been told you can help me.”
    It was
the man’s turn to stare now. His stare alternated between Rebekah and the Owl.
He did not seem to notice the Fox. After several heartbeats, he nodded.
course you must have just crossed over,” he stated. Before Rebekah could do
more than nod her head he continued. “Yes, we can offer help in several ways.
Perhaps a place to rest and some warm food to start. In the morning, we can
talk of what else you might need. My name is Brother Carefrin and the sanctuary
is at your service.”
smiled and whispered a thank you as Carefrin bowed and led her through one of
the carved doors at the top of the stage.

    The sun
was nearing the tops of the tallest trees when the Koens broke out of the
woods. In front of them they found a dusty road wide enough for them to walk
four abreast. Before they went any further, though, the Beagle came trotting
down the road carrying a bulging sack. David set Dinah down and Nic, who had
been carrying Mary, set her down. David took the sack from the Beagle and
opened it. Inside were a few water skins and some hard packed bread squares.
Looking up from the sack he thanked the Beagle before motioning for everybody
to sit. Most of them had already done so.
passed out the bread, one square to each of the children. He then divided the
water skins, telling them that two would have to share each one. Those holding
the water skins quickly partnered up and took a long drink, trying hard to
gauge how much half was. Several of the other children looked concerned, but
were surprised when they received a full water skin. Jeremiah, who was sharing
with Mel, was about to try an experiment when David called out.
because it seems endless, don’t waste it.” David then looked at each of them.
“Whenever you are blessed, don’t squander it or assume it is endless.”
    For many
of them this was not the first time they had heard something like this from
their father. Now, however, it seemed to carry extra meaning. Slowly everybody
started in on the bread and were astounded by the sweet taste of fruit and
honey each bite. Many of the children started staring at the Beagle as they ate
and continued to drink.
with his mouth half full, Jeremiah (unable to keep any more questions to himself)
asked, “How’d you do this?”
Beagle shrugged its shoulders and smiled. David answered, “It was needed, God
annoyed by David’s mysterious nature and sensing an opportunity Eve spoke up.
“I know you said you would explain things when we got somewhere safer, but the
Beagle said. . .” Here Eve faltered, realizing the words she had just spoken.
she could fully recover her thoughts, her father asked, “What is your question,
    Eve held
tightly to her resolve and began again. “It’s obvious that those woods back
there were not our woods. We seem to be in a completely new place, yet we’ve
only been traveling by foot. Where are we?”
    “The Way
World, also known as the Crossroads or the Here Between.”
    Before he
could say any more Jeremiah perked up, “Between what?”
Beagle answered. “Between Earth and the other home worlds of the other sentient
    “Are we
ever going to get a straight answer out of either of you?” Eve’s irritation was
mounting and, being who she was, she didn’t care if everybody else knew.
gave her a sharp look and then answered. “From what I’ve come to know, there
are twelve home worlds for twelve different sentient species created by God.
Each of them has a Way or portal that leads here. In the beginning, no humans
or other sentient races lived here; this place was only a crossroads, a
bastille. However, the creation was broken and this place changed, like all
other places. Demons soon

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