that by not telling her the details behind his curse, he had been protecting her. Instead, he was leading her into danger the likes of which she had probably never seen before. He’d had his share of war, of fighting for his kingdom in the name of Valunthier, but what experience did she have?
He couldn’t ask her now, couldn’t upset her confidence by mentioning that they could be heading into a fight. He would wait it out and if it became apparent that Erikka was going to turn dangerous, he would intervene and protect Celene. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
He couldn’t.
The whole of his body felt as though it was twisting and he paused, struggling against the will of the night as it tried to make him change. He bent double and clutched at his stomach, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to get control of himself. Through the pain something reached to him, soft and comforting as a blanket, and tender as a lover. He opened his to see Celene standing before him, her hand gently cupping his cheek and her eyes shining with concern. Her hand was cool against his skin, but the warmth it made spread through him was incredible.
She smiled and the pain disappeared, leaving him feeling light and calm inside. This wasn’t her usual magic. She wasn’t using her life to heal him. This was something else.
He looked up at her. She was an angel wearing the full moon as a halo. It circled her head, making her hair shine silver-blue and casting her face into shadow. But he could still see her perfectly, as though the moon’s rays were shining straight through her. Her eyes were bright, almost white as she looked at him, a smile still teasing her lips and a strangeness about her. He felt as though he was looking at a different person, one that had always been there but that he had never noticed before now. There was something about her, something that made him feel as though she was trying to reveal herself to him and shed the mystery that always surrounded her.
A tear dashed down her cheek, purest silver cutting through softest silk.
Straightening, he stepped towards her and brushed the tear away with the pad of his thumb. He looked at it as he drew it away. It twinkled in the moonlight, iridescent and beautiful. His eyes widened but by the time he looked at her, she was walking on, towards the castle.
He looked at the moon and the lightening sky.
He almost laughed at himself.
She couldn’t be.
C elene walked silently up the steps to the white castle and waved her hand before her. The doors opened, sweeping inwards without a sound and revealing an equally as white interior. She stared up at the tall towers above her, their tops peaked with conical roofs. Walking inside, she waited for Zane to join her. She could sense the potion he had taken was beginning to wear off, but it wouldn’t matter. It would soon be dawn. The fight to remain unchanged would then be hers.
She had to stay here with him and confront Erikka. The kiss that Zane had given her was a message, one she had been able to read clearly. He and the witch had once been involved and she knew without a doubt that their relationship was the reason he was now cursed.
He stopped beside her, his dark eyes full of too many emotions for her to be able to single out the one she most needed to see at that moment.
Worry surfaced in his gaze and the sight of it made that same emotion spread through her. If he feared Erikka, then the witch had to be strong, more powerful than he was. More powerful than herself?
Her eyes shifted to a small arched window and she saw that the sky was rapidly beginning to lighten.
Time was against them.
When she looked back at Zane, his expression had changed. In place of fear was determination. She took hold of his hand and went to lead him into the castle but he had other plans. He pulled her against him and wrapped her up in his arms. His lips played gently against hers, sweeping softly over them and setting her whole