The Olympus Device: Book Three

The Olympus Device: Book Three by Joe Nobody Read Free Book Online

Book: The Olympus Device: Book Three by Joe Nobody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Nobody
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Action & Adventure
don't we try a different method?”
    “Like what?” asked Leonard, his tone indicating he wasn’t going to like the answer.
    A harsh glance from Senator Hughes stopped the admiral from answering the question. An unspoken communication passed between the two men, the politician apparently sending the implicit message, “He’s not ready for that conversation.”
    What followed was a peppering of the physicist, Admiral Armstrong throwing out one question after another.
    “Do we know the power curve of the discharge?”
    “Can the weapon be fired after an electromagnetic pulse?”
    “Will it shoot under water?”
    Again, the senator had to intercede, interjecting his own non-military questions to keep Dr. Church from becoming suspicious.
    “Can we replace coal-fired power plants with this technology? Nuclear? How long will it take to develop automobiles that run on the rail gun’s principles?”
    At one point, during a short break to use the facilities, Hughes pulled the admiral aside. “You’re pressing too hard on the military aspects. He’s naïve, but not stupid. Balance your questions with peaceful, soft inquiries for the benefit of mankind, or we take the chance that he’ll go back to Washington and start spouting off about this meeting.”
    The get-together continued for over three hours, Dr. Church trying to provide insight and facts to what seemed like an unquenchable thirst for information.
    Finally, Senator Hughes stood, stretching his frame and announcing that enough had been accomplished for one day. All agreed to reconvene in the morning.
    Later that evening, the admiral met in private with Hughes. “I’ve run the numbers given the doctor’s input, and I believe we have a 74% chance of success if we possess the weapon. If the device is destroyed, the probabilities drop considerably below 50%.”
    “Then we must acquire the Olympus Device.”
    “That’s the crux of the matter, isn’t it? You heard the good doctor. Every attempt to capture the man has resulted in a mass of death and destruction. Together, our combined resources are significant, but if the entire federal government can’t locate or arrest the man, we don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell for success.”
    The politician rubbed his chin, mulling the problem over. “Back in the meeting, you started to suggest an alternative method of dealing with our friend from Texas. Obviously, you’ve got something in mind.”
    “Well, Weathers wants a pardon, as well as the government’s assurances that the technology will never be used for military purposes. So why don't we give him just that? I don’t know what you distinguished gentlemen in the Senate call it, but in my world, we use the term, ‘bait.’”
    The senator immediately rejected the idea, “There’s no way the president will go for that. And even if we did convince him to meet the Texan’s demands, that doesn’t put the Olympus Device in our hands.”
    But the military man wasn’t ready to give up on the concept just yet. “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. We convince the Blue Ribbon Panel to recommend opening negotiations with Weathers’ attorney… Kennedy, if I remember right. We’ll argue that a show of progress and goodwill can have nothing but a positive impact on our dear, chief executive’s public image and approval rating,” said Armstrong with a smirk.
    Richard smiled slightly and chuckled. “I think I see where you’re going with this, Ted. Go on.”
    “If the Feds earn Weathers’ trust, he might even show up at the meeting with the device. Once we know its location, there are a number of options available to us.”
    “Spoken like a true politician, Admiral, but can we really convince the president to agree to this?” queried a cynical Hughes.
    “Oh, he’ll have no choice. I’ll have some of my contacts drop a few rumors to the press.

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