The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional
relationships. In marriage, we have the pleasure of learning some of the inner movements of our spouse's mind. That is the essence of intellectual intimacy.
    Father, thank you for wanting to talk tome and hear from me! 1 know that conversation builds relationships. Help me to share my thoughts freely with my loved one and listen carefully to his or her thoughts as well.

    lambent over and racked with pain. All daylongI walk around filled with grief. PSALM 38:6
    EMOTIONAL INTIMACY is one of the five components of an intimate relationship. Feelings are our spontaneous, emotional responses to what we encounter through the five senses. I hear that the neighbor's dog died, and I feel sad. I see the fire truck racing down the road, and I feel troubled. My wife touches my hand, and I feel loved. I see her smile, and I feel encouraged.
    Your inner life is filled with emotions, but no one sees them. Sharing your feelings builds emotional intimacy. Allowing your mate into your inner world means being willing to say, "I'm feeling a lot of fear right now" or, "I am really happy tonight." These are statements of self-revelation. Psalm 38:6 gives just one of many examples of the psalmist pouring out his heart to God. King David and the other writers of the psalms were honest about their feelings of sadness, depression, anger, and grief, as well as their feelings of joy, adoration, and celebration. And that kind of straightforward self-revelation only increased their intimacy with God.
    Learning to talk about emotions can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Such sharing requires an atmosphere of acceptance. If I am assured that my spouse will not condemn my feelings or try to change my feelings, then I am far more likely to talk about them.
    Lord, thank you for wanting to hear our feelings. I know sharing emotions as a couple will help us grow closer. I pray that you will help us cultivate a loving, accepting atmosphere where we can share freely.

    All night longl search for you; in the morning I earnestly seek for God.
    ISAIAH 26:9
    MUCH OF LIFE CENTERS on encounters that happen throughout the daythings people say or do or situations that develop. When my wife and I share these with each other, we feel that we are a part of what the other is doing. We develop social intimacy and sense that we are a social unit. In other words, what happens in my wife's life is important to me.
    Another aspect of social intimacy involves the two of us doing things together. Attending a movie or athletic event, shopping or washing the car together, or having a picnic in the park are all ways of building social intimacy. Much of life involves doing. When we do things together, we are not only developing a sense of teamwork, but we are also enhancing our relationship. In the verse above, we see that the prophet Isaiah wrote about strongly desiring to spend time with God. That same sense of urgency to be in anoth- er's company-which often is prompted by our good memories of previous encounters-is beneficial in marriage.
    The things we do together often form our most vivid memories. Will we ever forget climbing Mount Mitchell together? Or giving the dog a haircut? Social intimacy is an important part of a growing marriage.
    Lord Jesus, lam grateful for the memories we have developed as a couple. Thank you for fun and laughter and times we can just enjoy being together and doing things together. Help us to cultivate social intimacy as we grow in our relationship.

    We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. COLOSSIANS 1:11-12
    MARITAL INTIMACY has five essential components. We've talked about intellectual, emotional, and social intimacy, and today we'll look at spiritual intimacy. We are spiritual creatures. Anthropologists have discovered that people from cultures around the world are religious. We all have a

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