The Perfect Mate
began to rub, but Paul reached around and knocked them away. I whimpered. "Please," I begged. I hated to beg, but I was getting desperate.
    Paul replace my fingers with his, rubbing in slow circles. "I got you sweetheart. Let go."
    "Paul!" I yelled out. I was going to come soon. I needed more. "Inside me, please," I cried out. He obliged by thrusting two fingers inside my pussy. That's all it took. I screamed his name into the comforter, my body pulsing and I couldn't help it, I rocked back into him. He slapped my ass and I cried out again.
    He growled long and low speeding up his thrusts against my ass. Then I felt wetness on my back and his movements stilled. He pulled away slowly and my hips collapsed to the bed. I lay there sprawled out completely spent. It was the best non sex I'd ever had.
    I was smiling when he lay beside me. He smiled back. "You look like the cat that got the cream. What are so pleased about?" He asked a twinkle in his eye. He leaned over and kissed me softly. I'd never seen him so relaxed before. It was a good sight to see.
    "Oh, nothing really," I said giving him a wicked grin. "Although, I did get some cream." He laughed. It was a beautiful laugh, full and masculine. It made me smile just hearing it.
    "I was also thinking how good that was, even though we didn't technically have sex," I said.
    He frowned. "You don't think that counted as sex?" He asked.
    I thought about it a moment, but came to the same conclusion. "No, I mean not really."
    "What would you consider as "technically sex"?"
    "Well, intercourse," I said giving him my 'are you dense' look.
    "Aahh, well as much as I'd love to have "intercourse" with you, we can't yet. So I guess we'll have to get creative until then," He said running his hand down my back to the curve of my ass rubbing his semen all over the stinging flesh. I ignored the wicked glint in his eyes.
    "What do you mean we can't yet? Sure we can. Give me a moment and we can right now."
    He gave me a quizzical look that I didn't understand, but he blew me away when he said, "Not until after the ceremony. You know that."
    I sat up onto my knees not caring about my nakedness and looked down at him in shock. "What ceremony?" I asked hesitantly.
    He sat up too and brought his hand to my face grazing his knuckles down my cheek. I'd normally find it a very sweet gesture, but I was too panicked to care. "What ceremony?" I asked again, this time through gritted teeth.
    He pulled his hand away and sighed. "The mating ceremony. Susan, we're mates."
    I blanched at his words. "What? I don't think so." I felt a little guilty when he flinched, but I wouldn't let myself comfort him. "Wouldn't I know if you were my mate? I mean, yeah, we have unbelievable chemistry, but mates? I just don't believe it."
    "I knew the first time I laid eyes on you. My wolf recognized yours. I tried to give you space when you started avoiding me, but I can't keep away from you anymore. I know you feel it. I see it every time you look at me."
    I looked down at my hands resting on my thighs. Was that what was going on, I asked myself? Were we mates and I didn't know it? Or was I just trying to deny what I already knew? The way I got caught in his gaze and the way my body responded to him, was so unusual for me. I wondered if he was right, but that didn't mean I had to like it.
    "Has your wolf been restless at all?" He asked softly.
    I looked up at him surprised by his question. "Yes, but I thought I just needed a run."
    "Did that help?"
    "No," I admitted looking down again. She was restless and I'd been trying to ignore her.
    "And how does she feel right now?" He asked.
    I closed my eyes and thought about my wolf. She was always there just under the surface waiting to be freed. Her face came into focus; her red fur glistening in the light of our soul. When I looked in her eyes, the same emerald green as mine, I saw she was happy yet not quite sated. She looked like she was waiting for more. Shit, I thought, pulling

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