The Pirate Fairy

The Pirate Fairy by A.J. Llewellyn Read Free Book Online

Book: The Pirate Fairy by A.J. Llewellyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Llewellyn
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
races now.” Barthelmass looked devastated but recovered quickly. He moved behind Denny again and rubbed at the wing. It hurt, but Denny didn’t say so.
    “There,” Barthelmass said. “Your wing is clear. Try to keep them free of restriction as much as possible. I’ll finish bathing you. See if you can’t get them to flap.”
    “How do I do that? Everybody keeps telling me to try without telling me how to do it.”
    “Imagine them flapping. I didn’t know what to do with my fox tail when I got it. Had some nasty bathroom accidents at first, which the ladies didn’t find so sexy.”
    “No. I imagine not.”
    Barthelmass squeezed the sponge into the water again and pressed Denny’s skin. The pain of the wax-glugged wing had subsided, and having another man touch his bare skin made his cock go boing . Uh-oh. He had to stop that.
    “Imagine you have always had them. Picture them flapping. Send a message to them. Ask them to flap for you. To show you their magic.”
    Denny did as he’d been told. Nothing happened at first. For several long minutes, he agonized over the futility of his efforts, but Barthelmass kept saying encouraging things.
    “Feel their power. Persuade them back into life. Wings have feelings, too.” Barthelmass moved in front of Denny, washing his throat and chest. He teased Denny’s nipples with a moist fingertip as well as a gentle swipe of the sponge.
    Denny could no longer hide his boner, and Barthelmass didn’t seem to take offense. In fact he captured Denny’s massive cock in his hand and stroked it. “Feel your power,” he coaxed. “Show me your wings!” Barthelmass stroked Denny’s cock with increasing force.
    This seemed to set off a series of intense feelings deep within Denny’s body. The orgasm he had at the hands of the fox man made Denny’s wings twitch.
    “That’s it.” The fox man kept his grip on Denny’s cock with one hand, the other touching the feathers in Denny’s wings. The wings vibrated.
    “You’re doing it.”
    Denny’s feet left the ground, but Barthelmass brought him back again. “I opened you up,” he said, “but now you’ll have to learn to do it without somebody bringing you sexual release.”
    “Okay,” Denny said, hugely disappointed that it was over. He wanted so much more with the fox man.
    Barthelmass finished cleaning Denny then handed him a pair of cotton pants and a shirt that gave the wings in his back freedom of movement.
    Denny was confused about many things, such as why he needed his wings to work, but suddenly it came to him. Orgasm had released months of cloudy thoughts and feelings. Denny needed to show the court that he had accepted his new condition. That he harbored no ill feeling toward the princess. Even though he did.
    The cotton pants he slid up and over his thighs reminded him of another jail in another time and place in a galaxy far, far away. He trotted to the bed and lay on his side.
    “That’s good.” Barthelmass used the same gentle, coaxing tone he had earlier. “Rest now. And start again as soon as you’re awake.”
    “You’re lovely to me.” Denny sighed when Barthelmass ran a cool hand over Denny’s brow.
    “Ebba is the woman I want to be my wife. I want her to be free,” Barthelmass said. “She is the best thing in my life. She has explored both sides of her sexuality and if she becomes solely a woman, the laws will allow us to be married.” He picked up the basin and left.
    Denny was too spent to even say goodbye. He fell into a deep sleep. He had always gravitated toward men but had no idea of how to pursue his desire for sexual contact with another. He’d gotten the chance unexpectedly when he was eighteen and thrown into a Spanish jail during a stop at the sea port of Tarragona, in the Mediterranean Sea. Denny had taken to sea life with remarkable ease and had been so influenced by his superior officers when they’d gone astray that he’d joined them on their less savory antics. Particularly

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