The Post-Humans (Book 1): The League

The Post-Humans (Book 1): The League by Thurston Bassett Read Free Book Online

Book: The Post-Humans (Book 1): The League by Thurston Bassett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thurston Bassett
Tags: Science Fiction | Superheroes
just stared at us like we were part of the film.”
    “That’s right!” Athan laughed. “The air was so thick with the smoke that we all ended up high and bought all those packets of chips and had that conversation about whether we should have coloured leotards like comic book super heroes.” He shook his head grinning shamefully.
    It was my idea .
    “That was a very funny night,” Brad agreed.
    “It was. But my visit is a little more serious. I’ve had this feeling… for a little while now,” Athan said cradling his drink.
    Brad shook his head. “Athan, no Post-Human hunters have been anywhere near here, or indeed around the state of Victoria in many months.”
    “That seems hard to believe. They don’t give up that easily,” Athan said, twisting the glass in his hand.
    “No, the PHC have been a little preoccupied.” His mood became serious. “They have found something else, or rather someone else. A woman, from Indonesia. Sadly there is not a lot that I can tell you. All I know is that the PHC were following up a few anonymous reports on the east fringes of Jakarta or somewhere nearby eighteen months ago. Allegedly they found who they were looking for, then the pressure on the rest of us eased off worldwide.”
    Athan raised an eyebrow. “They can’t be satisfied by just one of us. We’re all so different, at least the Post-Humans I’ve met are… Why would they stop after finding one Post-Human?”
    Brad shrugged and was silent for a moment.
    “It is rather foreboding Mr Harper,” Brad said gravely. “I, for one, am terrified. What kind of mutation in a Post-Human being would make an evil conglomerate organization like the PHC quit a worldwide genocide? It has always been ethnic cleansing under the pretense of research. Why would they stop hunting, Athan? It doesn’t make sense. Unless it was going to benefit them in their search somehow.”
    “No, it doesn’t make sense.” Athan took a long swig of his drink and relished the burn. He felt the warmth of it course through his tired body.
    Brad leaned forward. “Athan, your ability…have you seen anyone, anything that could shed light on this? Can you search that place you visit? Does it cross continents? You could jump from mind to mind till you find some answers…”
    “I haven’t and I can’t,” he said as he took another drink draining the small glass.
    Brad apologized. “I guess I’ve been stuck in here too long. I feel a little helpless.”
    Athan reassured him that it was fine. “The plane I’m able to visit doesn’t give me any insight into the plans of those hunting us. I can sense the minds I know when I’m inside, but I can’t get close to anyone who knows anything unless I can recognize them.”
    “I know this is not The League anymore,” Brad warned, “but the dangers are potentially going to be worse for us specifically if we do not find answers. The PHC will put us down like animals if they catch us. They don’t stop looking for no reason. If they have stopped turning over every stone, it probably means that they are working on a more efficient way.” Brad took a breath and realized he was beginning to raise his voice. “I am sorry my friend. I have been dwelling on this problem for some time now, and there is no one to confide in. I feel so helpless sometimes.”
    Athan shrugged. “I’m sorry too. This has been your burden for a while, obviously, and it’s my problem as much as yours.”
    Brad waved him off and stood to fetch the bottle to top up their glasses.
    “Brad, the place I go…it’s not just inside one person’s head. It’s more like everyone’s minds are attached to it, like the minds are doors to reach this place. And I wouldn’t even call them minds, there is no thought or memory there…”
    Brad nodded. “You have said so before.”
    He handed Athan a full glass and gingerly sat on the lounge again.
    They did not really discuss their abilities in great detail with each other. Some of

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