The Project 05 - The Tesla Secret

The Project 05 - The Tesla Secret by Alex Lukeman Read Free Book Online

Book: The Project 05 - The Tesla Secret by Alex Lukeman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex Lukeman
surprise. He couldn't remember Foxworth ever expressing gratitude or calling him by his first name. It was a symptom as disturbing as the fits of rage or cold anger. His patient stood and walked to the windows. Morel waited.
    "A new day is coming," Foxworth said. "A day that will bring order to the chaos out there." He swept his arm across the view of London. "It will be difficult for them, of course. But in the end, they'll find their place. History will thank me."
    "You're a visionary, Malcolm."
    "Yes." He turned toward Morel. "We're going to Tuscany tomorrow. A car will pick you up in the morning. Mandy has your tickets."
    "As you say, Malcolm." Morel dipped his head and left the room.
    Foxworth watched him leave, then picked up his encrypted phone and placed a call to Moscow. He wanted an update from Ogorov
    Anatoloy Ogarov's advice shaped Russia's foreign policy. The Russian President was unaware that the advice came from Foxworth.
    Ogorov answered. "Malcolm. I planned to call you later today."
    "We are on schedule?"
    "We are. The first test is tomorrow. I trust Yuri. I am confident." Ogorov paused. "What happened, Malcolm? Why is Rice still alive?"
    "Some idiot left a cable across the stage. Rice tripped over it just as our man fired. We won't get another chance anytime soon."
    The drug was working. Foxworth felt only mild concern. "It doesn't matter. Just an unfortunate turn."
    "Yes." Another pause. "Malcolm, some of the others are nervous. These last attempts to eliminate problems haven't worked out well."
    Drug or not, Foxworth felt the anger begin. By others, Ogorov meant the leadership of AEON. Foxworth led and set the direction of the group. It wasn't a democracy, but his position depended on consensus by the others. Even he was not secure. Results were what mattered.
    "Which others?" Foxworth had to trust someone. Ogorov was his strongest supporter in the leadership circle.
    "Silva is one."
    "That doesn't surprise me."
    "Maupassant is unhappy."
    "When they see the results in November, dissent will cease. If it does not..."
    He left the rest unspoken.


    Prague was everything the tourist brochures raved about. Selena and Nick strolled over the stones of Old Town Square in the heart of the medieval city. It was vacation month in Europe. The day was pleasant, with temperatures in the 70s. The square was jammed with tourists from every part of the Continent. They were just two more foreigners, taking pictures of everything, especially the clock on the old town city hall.
    Prague's astronomical clock dated to 1410. Two large dials showed the position of the sun and moon and a calendar of months. The clock began striking the hour as they watched. Carved statues of the twelve Apostles came out on top and glided in procession from one side to the other. A skeletal figure of Death tolled out the time.
    Nick watched Death hammering the bell. "Imagine what it must have been like back then, looking at that."
    "The whole city is a time warp." Selena had been reading the brochures. "There's a street up by the castle called Golden Lane, the street of Alchemists. Tiny little houses built against the castle wall for the King's retainers."
    Hradčany castle was the largest castle in the world. It dominated a hill overlooking the city on the other side of the Vltava river.
    "Maybe we'll check it out later. Let's find that cafe."
    The cobbled streets running off the square were narrow and old and had the feel of the middle ages. It was easy to imagine them filled with carts and horses and merchants centuries before. Now they were lined with modern shops and crowded cafes. Nick would have liked to browse the shops, sit in a cafe and watch people pass by. He doubted it would happen.
    Caution was a habit. He checked for tails as they walked. Nothing stood out but something didn't feel right.
    The cyber cafe was on a narrow side street. The decor was European punk. It looked like a second rate nightclub, black and chrome

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