The Rancher's Rules

The Rancher's Rules by Dina Chapel Read Free Book Online

Book: The Rancher's Rules by Dina Chapel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina Chapel
plenty of punishments at the orphanage, though, and at every home they had been farmed out to over those years. Between her sassy mouth and need to run away at every given opportunity, Annie had gotten her share of the hand, brush, switch, and belt over the years. None of it had ever made her want to do as she was told. It always had the opposite effect. But Rafe’s discipline was different somehow. 
    Not wanting to dwell too much on the reasons why, Annie set to changing and getting to her chores since the day wasn’t getting any younger.
    * * * * *
    Rafe grabbed the horses’ reins and started for the barn. Boy oh boy, that little girl sure could test him! She never had a mind to just do as she was told. And her in that dress wasn’t helping any. Rafe was glad that he hadn’t had to put her across his lap just now because he wasn’t sure that he could fully control himself if she was squirming and wiggling on him like she had the last time he had tanned her hide. He hoped that she behaved herself from this point forward so that he could keep a respectable distance between them, but he was almost certain that she couldn’t behave herself even if she was tryin’ to.
    Rafe decided to put Annie out of his mind for the moment and concentrate on his bigger problem. When he was at the lumber mill in town, all the talk was of a fast approaching snowstorm – early for the season, but it did happen every couple of years. And storms of this type usually had them all snowbound for a few days, at least. He was sure that Tom would stay put. He and Jenny wouldn’t have enough time to make it back and it wasn’t worth the risk of being caught out in it. Tom had sense enough to wait it out where he was.
    After taking care of things in the house, Annie decided to see if anything needed doing in the vegetable garden. It was nearing the end of the season, but the garden still managed to produce a few squash and assorted other vegetables that shouldn’t go to waste, if at all possible. Annie brought a large basket with her to the garden, which was located on the sunny side of the barn.  As she kneeled to check for gourds, she heard voices in the barn, Rafe’s in particular.
    Rafe was deep in conversation with Zeke, Tom’s foreman, about a very big snowstorm that was headed their way very soon. They were sorting out what needed to be done before the storm hit and also discussing when Rafe would head back to his own ranch to see to everything there. Rafe didn’t want to leave Tom’s place until everything was secure. This way, if he was caught in the storm and had to remain at his ranch, he could rest easy that Zeke had everything under control here at Tom’s spread. Zeke assured him that he needn’t worry, if that was the case. He could see to things here. Rafe thanked Zeke and then their voices faded as they both left the barn, discussing the particulars of what needed to be done in preparation for the snow.
    Annie sat back on her heels in the vegetable patch. This was her chance! If she left tonight, before the storm hit, if it proved to be as bad as they seemed to think it would be, then no one would be able to come after her. She just needed to get to town and then she could wait out the weather there. Then take the first stage out. This might be her only chance for quite some time and, Annie thought, she really needed to take it. Once winter hit, she’d be stuck here until spring. Her mind made up, she set to finishing her daily chores.

Chapter 4
    Rafe woke with a start. Something wasn’t right; he could feel it in his gut. And his gut never steered him wrong. He got out of bed, quickly got dressed and grabbed his holster, which he had slung over the headboard. He liked his guns to be in easy reach at all times. He slipped quietly from his room.
    Rafe made a quick check of the house; everything looked as he had seen it last night before turning in for the night. He peeked into Annie’s room and saw a lump under the

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