The Restoration

The Restoration by Wanda E Brunstetter Read Free Book Online

Book: The Restoration by Wanda E Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E Brunstetter
to find out how things are going.

    “How are you feeling, Davey?” Gram asked. “Is there anything you’d like me to get you?”
    Hobbling on his crutches to the couch, David shook his head. “I’m fine, Gram. Just need to lie down awhile.” Truth was, David’s pain medicine hadn’t kicked in, so his ribs, leg, and head hurt. He wasn’t about to admit his discomfort to Gram. She’d only fuss over him all the more. He didn’t mind, really, but he just wasn’t used to having someone hovering over him.
    If the pain wasn’t bad enough, now David had something else to deal with—the itching on his leg underneath the cast. The doctor had warned him this would happen and said it was important not to try using any object to scratch the skin. If the itching got unbearable, the doctor suggested David could use a hair blower, set on cool, aiming it under the cast. If the itching didn’t get worse, he could ignore the crawling sensation, but if that didn’t work, the doctor would give David a prescription for an antihistamine. David didn’t want to resort to more pills. He was determined to find a way to cope with the annoyance.
    David’s parents had gone home before lunch, and he was glad. Dad needed to get back to his clinic, and Mom had convinced him nothing could be done about David’s decision to drop out of school until Christmas break was over and David’s injuries had healed. She’d even told David she thought being here with his grandparents would be good for him—a chance to clear his head and think things through.
    Mom’s hoping I’ll change my mind and go back to Chicago
, David thought, repositioning the pillow under his leg. Keeping it elevated helped ease the pain. Now if his ribs would quit hurting every time he took a breath…
    David closed his eyes and was about to drift off, when a knock sounded on the front door.
    “I’ll get it,” Gram called. “Just stay where you are.”
    A few minutes later, she entered the living room with Priscilla at her side. “Look who’s come to visit.” After Gram took Priscilla’s jacket and outer bonnet, Priscilla sat in a chair near the couch.
    “How are you doing, David?” Priscilla asked after Gram left the room.
    “Still hurting, but I’ll live.”
    “Are you taking something for the pain?” The depth of Priscilla’s concern showed in her eyes.
    “I’m taking half a dose, but it only takes the edge off. If I take the full amount, it makes me sleepy.”
    Her nose wrinkled slightly. “Wouldn’t you rather be sleepy and have no pain then suffer through it to stay awake?”
    “Nope.” David pulled himself to a sitting position. “It would be a shame if I was sleeping right now and couldn’t visit with you.”
    Priscilla’s cheeks flushed, and she looked away for a moment. “I didn’t see your folks’ car parked in the driveway.”
    “Mom and Dad left this morning.”
    “I hope you got things resolved with them. I can’t imagine being at odds with my parents.”
    “Nothing’s been resolved as far as they’re concerned, but on my end it sure has.”
    “What do you mean?”
    David shifted slightly and grimaced when pain shot through his ribs. “I’m not going back to college, no matter what my dad says. As soon as my leg and ribs heal, I’ll look for a job in the area.” He winked at Priscilla. “I may even decide to join the Amish faith.”
    Priscilla blinked. “Are you serious or just teasing?”
    “I would never tease about something as serious as joining the Amish faith.”
    “Why would you want to give up your English customs and take on the Plain life?”
    “I’m not saying I do. I’m just thinking about it right now.” David winked at Priscilla again.
    How was she to know if he was teasing or not?

    When Cora Finley left the clinic in Arthur where she’d been working as a nurse, she decided to take a different route home. It would be good to see some other scenery for a change, and traveling the back roads could

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