The Return of Elliott Eastman

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Book: The Return of Elliott Eastman by Ignatius Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ignatius Ryan
no time.”
    “Any read on how Secretary of Defense Holland might respond to what you’re going to propose?” Bob asked.
    “I’m not sure but I’m hoping a little pressure in the right places, especially from the most respected former Secretary of Defense in history like you and an old senate war horse like me, will make him listen.”
    “You’re too generous,” Robert Gates replied. “I merely did my job.”
    “And shook up the whole war department like no one has in the last fifty years.”
    “From what I know of Bruce Holland he seems to be a thoughtful, concerned and well meaning gentleman,” General Gates observed.
    “My thoughts exactly, which is why I think the time is right for us to approach him with these ideas. What have we got to lose? Think about it Bob. We’re just a couple of old men. How much time do you think we have left? Ten, maybe fifteen years before we’re just sitting in our rocking chairs at the old folk’s home. We have a chance to change the course and fate of this country. I’ve had a team of nine of the best economists I could find put together a very detailed outline. I think with a little persuasion Bruce Holland will see the light.”
    The limo stopped at the guard entrance to the pentagon where a soldier inspected the ID’s and passes of the two men. A moment later, he saluted them briskly and they were allowed entry into the most secure military base in the world.
    A short while later they were seated at a table in the private office of the Secretary of Defense, Bruce Holland.
    “Good to see you Bruce,” Bob Gates said as they shook hands.
    “Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Mr. Secretary,” Elliott said.
    “The pleasure is mine gentlemen,” Bruce responded. “Based on our initial conversation I’ve asked Dick Henghold to sit in. He is the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget.”
    The men shook hands.
    “Now, how can I help you?” Bruce asked.
    Elliot studied the man for a moment. He was young for the position, just in his mid-fifties, but a polished war veteran who understood the nature of command as well as the plight of the men on the ground. He had a reputation as a thoughtful decision maker. He wore his uniform well and was a credit to the armed services.
    “Would you be so kind as to brief the general?” Bob said nodding in Elliott’s direction.
    Elliott dove right in. “As you know General Holland, the economy is in shambles, unemployment is fifteen percent, foreclosures are at a record pace and personal bankruptcies are soaring. The average Joe is hurting and has been for some time. It’s time for those of us that have the vision and the power to bring about change. I want you to know that what we’re about to put forth to you is not a single proposal. This is a multi-pronged attack. It’s what I like to call the ‘War on the Deficit’. I have it from a very trusted source that all the major banks are going to lower the interest rates on their credit cards to 7% for the next three years, thus providing a source of badly needed stimulus to the economy.”
    “Really,” Bruce said. “That must have taken some arm twisting.”
    “Arm twisting and then some,” Elliott replied with a smile. “Also a team of lawyers, at my behest, has approached the SEC with a proposal for a new source of tax revenue that should generate trillions of dollars in a few years. Sam Goldman, the Chairman of the SEC backs the idea enthusiastically.”
    “Could you expand on that please?” General Holland asked leaning forward in his chair.
    “It’s a small fee imposed on stock, commodities, futures and derivatives contracts. The experts figure it could generate 1.8 billion dollars a day and will fall most heavily on speculators and flash traders. Just the people we want to hit rather than the average Joe. But there is another aspect to this campaign against the deficit, and that’s where you come in. I’ve asked some experts to

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