The Return of the Titans
what we think you are. But for now, let me offer
these facts.” He ticked them off on his fingers. “First, all of you
have noticed by now that ordinary blows can't hurt you. In fact,
you barely feel them. Second, each of you arrived here via the
water gate. Only someone of true Titan blood can do so.”
    Benson spoke up again. “So you all are
Titans too?” His tone was sarcastic.
    Mr. Fitzgerald smiled slightly. “No, none of
us are, Mr. Benson. You are the first generation of Titans born for
five thousand years.”
    “But you said that only
Titans can use the water gate. And yet here you all are.” Justin
was beginning to get tired of Benson's sneering tone. But it didn't
seem to faze the leader.
    “Obviously there is more
than one way in or out of Sanctuary, Mr. Benson.” The teen opened
his mouth but Mr. Fitzgerald interrupted him. “And no, I am not
going to tell you what they are or where. At least not yet.” He
leaned back against the desk again. “And finally, the last test
that you truly are Titans. Each of you were passed by a
    Sentinel? Justin thought. What Sentinel?
    “I'm sure you all remember
the large bronze statues that blocked your exit from the entry
rooms. Each room has a Sentinel and they allow none to pass that
are not of true Titan blood.” He tapped his chest and glanced at
his fellow adults. “They would stop any of us from gaining access
to Sanctuary that way, if we were not recognized as Guardians. And
yet, they let you pass.” He walked around the desk and sat down
    “Now, I think that is
enough for today. You are all tired and need to rest. And you have
a great deal to think about. Over the next day or two, I will be
speaking to each of you individually and answering your questions
as best I can. After that, you can decide whether you wish to stay
or leave.”
    “What?” Benson again. “You
mean, you're actually going to allow us to leave?”
    “We are not jailers, Mr.
Benson, nor kidnappers. If you decide to leave, you may. But only
after we've discussed it more fully.” He beckoned to Mrs. Mallon
who walked forward.
    “All right, my dears. If
you will follow me, please?” she said with a smile. The girls stood
up to follow her, some moving very slowly. As Justin watched, one
of the smallest girls reached out to the older woman, who put her
arm around the girl and led her and the others from the
    “Jonathon, if you will?”
Mr. Fitzgerald said to a younger man standing near the
    “Of course, sir.” He
looked at the boys. Justin thought that he didn't look much older
than Benson. “Gentlemen, come with me please.” He waited until they
all stood and then walked toward the door.
    Justin looked back as he approached the exit
and saw that several adults were now standing around the desk and
talking quietly to Mr. Fitzgerald. A couple of them seemed very
agitated, but Justin couldn't hear what they were saying.
    Then he and Aaron and the rest were in the
corridor, following Jonathon.

    Chapter 3
    They passed many doors and several
intersections. Justin wondered just how big this place was and
exactly where it was. He hadn't seen any windows and all the light
was created with the glowing stones. He began to think that they
were deep underground. But where in the world they were, he had no
    As they walked, they passed many adults
heading back toward the Court. Then, around a corner came another
figure, also moving quickly. Justin stopped and stared at it. So
did the other boys.
    It was the same bronze color as the minotaur
Justin had seen when he arrived. But it was not much taller than
Justin and looked like a human, except for apparently being made of
metal. It wore old-fashioned clothes and its' face was that of an
old man. It looked worried. As it hurried past, it nodded at
Jonathon and kept walking. Jonathon nodded back and walked several
steps before realizing that the boys were not behind him. He turned
and looked at

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