The Sacrifice (The Covenant)

The Sacrifice (The Covenant) by Azure Boone Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Sacrifice (The Covenant) by Azure Boone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Azure Boone
quick baby. You won’t hurt. I promise.”
    “Micah!” she screamed. “I don’t want to die!”
    He clenched his eyes. “I can’t fucking let them take you.”
    Sarah ran toward the trees with a shriek of agony. “You can’t have him!” She spun around and stared at Micah, her eyes wide and wild with desperation. Micah’s heart accelerated at seeing her intent. She ran at him and the notion of plunging to their death together gave him a near rabid joy. He opened his arms, eager for the slam of her body into his.  
    They sailed over the edge and Micah clenched his eyes tight, holding her in a death grip with his limbs, not wanting anything to rip them apart. Then he prayed for the rare chance they’d survive the jagged jaws of rock and hit the sliver of water at the bottom.
    But Micah braced for the impact that would kill them both. The impact that would end it all. Would he be with her after death? Where would he go? Would he be allowed in Heaven?
    A violent jolt knocked the wind from him and ripped Sarah from his embrace. She screamed and Micah realized she held his legs. He was caught on something. By his jacket.
    “I’m slipping!” she gasped.
    “Grab my pockets!”
    She struggled and Micah prayed whatever held him continued to. A loud crack split the air and they both plummeted down. Micah landed just next to Sarah with another jolt, only three feet below. Relief and joy burst from his lungs in several gasps as he scrambled with her as close to the wall of the mountain side as he could, looking around. The air misted with the roar of falling water everywhere. He looked up and saw the century old root sticking out of the mountain side he’d snagged on.
    The hand of fucking God himself as far as he was concerned.
    Another round of relief gushed out of him in a sob. He pulled Sarah close and she clutched him back tight, crying into his chest. But there was no time to be grateful. The Hunter wouldn’t stop until they were found. They had to move.
    Sarah’s body trembled as they felt their way in the dark. She was terrified and cold. Micah was slowing. He was exhausted. She was dizzy and fought off confusion. He’d been hurt she remembered. Where was the hunter Micah mentioned? Was he gone? Why were they still walking? Would they ever stop? Maybe they should just finish it and get it over with. Lay down and die together. And rest.
    Anything but what they endured. The agony of the wait. The dark wait. The cold, wet, endless wait.
    Sarah ran into Micah’s backside and fought to clear the clouds from her brain. “What?” she mumbled.
    “A road.”
    A road? Her heart began to race.
    He took her hand and pulled her along quickly. A few yards from the large ditch at the edge of the pavement, he pushed her against a tree. “Listen. I’m going to need you to flag the first vehicle down, okay? I can’t afford for them to not stop. If it’s a woman, I want you to have her take you—”
    “No, no, no, I’m not leaving you.” She shook her h ead frantically and gripped his arms.
    “Listen!” He gripped her roughly. “You have no choice.”
    S he clawed at his arms when he tried to set her away from him, wailing, “I have a choice, I have a choice! Please don’t leave me, please, please, pleeeeeeease.”
    Micah stared at her in silent torment before crushing her in an embrace. “Okay. Shhhhh. We’ll go together.”
    She sobbed into his chest. She wouldn’t leave him. She’d die with him.
    “Shhhh.” Micah jerked right. “Lights. Get ready.” She wiped her eyes and he led her to the ditch, searching the darkness behind them. “Stand in the middle of the road with both hands up above your head, okay?” he whispered, pushing her toward the ditch. “Now. Go.”
    She stumbled into the ditch and fell, then quickly clambered out and into the road, doing as he said. She didn’t have to pretend to be battered and desperate. “Stop,” she whispered, raising both hands above her head as the

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