The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer

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Book: The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Jennifer Lynch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Lynch
safe, which I think she was trying to make me feel. I feel sorry for her, that people think she is strange and weird. She isn't at all.
    I could see in her eyes that something had hurt her, but I didn't even begin to understand what it was until Mom told me when I got home. She said that Margaret (the Log Lady) had a husband who was a fire fighter. He was killed fighting a fire, and Mom said it was awful because he tripped over a root or something and fell headfirst into hot coals and burned himself to death, face first. They had just been married a little while when he died, and since then Margaret has been very quiet and has kept her pain to herself. Mom also said that she didn't have her log until after her husband died.
    I didn't know any of this when I was out there at 1400 River Road with her, but it didn't really matter, I guess. I told her I thought she was a very nice and special person, and that I was glad I had paid attention to my dream, because I wouldn't have wanted to miss talking with her. I told her I hoped she was right about my life having special things in it, that I will look for them, because I want my life to be good.
    Then I told her something that I hope she never repeats. I didn't even expect to say it, and to tell you the truth I didn't know where it came from. I told her that sometimes things happen that no one knows about. They happen in the woods when it is very dark. I told her that sometimes I wasn't even sure these things were real, and sometimes I think they are more real than the sun coming up in the morning, and that the thought of that frightened me very much. She looked away from me, I remember, when I finished. I thought I had said something that upset her. She grabbed her log tight, then looked back at me and said that I was a very beautiful girl, and that many people would love me in my life.
    I hope many people do love me in my life. Someday someone will love me the way the boys did, but even more. I wonder where that person is right now, and if he is wondering where I am and what I look like, and when we will finally meet. I wonder if Margaret has ever thought about sex the way that I do.
    On the way home I tried to hum the song she had hummed to me, but I couldn't remember it. I felt very good inside when I left 1400 River Road, and that feeling stayed with me, all through my ride back to the stables, all the way home with Mom in the car, and even now it is just as strong. I hope Margaret isn't feeling lonely right now. I hope she is feeling as happy as I am. I only wish I could have brought her news of how happy her life would be. It's too bad I had nothing for her.

    More later, L

    P.S. Donna still hasn't called me back.

November 13, 1985
    Listening to the Wood

    Inside the trees are souls I think
    Souls that grow and change
    Inside each leaf, so quiet
    A memory of moments no one else
    has seen
    But no man ever listens
    Takes the time to think
    That trees might see what happens
    That in the way they rustle
    Is a hint they wish to speak.
    They might have tried to whisper
    In the palm of someone's hand
    their memory of the little girl
    How there is a new hole inside her
    And a new and smaller mouth
    But no one believes or cares
    That maybe
    The tree would know
    Something was very wrong
    That it wants to talk about the
    It has seen so many nights
    I think the world
    Should walk deep into the woods
    Listen very carefully,
    To the voices in the leaves.
    See the details, the tiny maps
    Of footsteps, and sometimes stains
    They should see that the leaves
    Are shaped like tears
    They should study the design in
    fallen needles
    Maybe there are some markings on
    the ground
    That will lead the world
    To the one who made
    The hole.

    It is late, and he came tonight. I don't know if the Log Lady was talking about the right Laura Palmer.

November 20, 1985
    Dear Diary,

    I had a dream just now that makes me believe I will not be sleeping tonight.
    I was in a room. It was very empty,

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