The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth

The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth by Rose Bush Read Free Book Online

Book: The Secret First Lady: The Naked Truth by Rose Bush Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Bush
I’d still have my family. Could’ve, would’ve, should’ve. But what the hell do I know about life?”
                  Rachel dug into her makeup bag for some lip gloss. The mood suddenly felt awkward.  Rachel knew how to make people feel like shit in a subtle type of manner. She could jab you in the face while still smiling.
                  “Well maybe I’m like this because my momma was a hoe!” Leah tried justifying her behavior by pulling the genetics card.
                  Right I’m supposed to believe it’s in your genes. I’ve heard of people having the same traits or the same hair and eye color, but a whore gene? “Girl stop!” Rachel laughed out. “Besides, you never met your mom. How would you know that?”
                  Leah put on a dumbfounded expression.  “Well-uhm, I’ve heard plenty of stories.”
                  “Hmmm. I guess. This color looks good on you! Here, put this on.” Rachel went to her closet and pulled out a raspberry colored dress. “This will really bring out the eye shadow.”
                  “This still has the price tag on it. Are you sure you don’t mind?” Leah held the dress up to her body, picturing herself in it.
                  “Most of my clothes are just collecting dust. Really, it’s okay.” Rachel insisted.
                  “Thanks!” Leah set back on the bed. “You know what’s crazy? If my mom was to save me from drowning in a public pool, I wouldn’t have a clue as to who she was. They say you can’t miss what you never had, but that’s a lie. I really wish I could meet her.”
                  Rachel sat next to her. “Have you ever tried to find her?” Leah shook her head no. Rachel placed her hand on her chin as if she was thinking. “Well whenever you’re ready, I’ll pay for a private investigator and we’ll find your mother.”
                  Without warning, Leah reached up and gave Rachel the biggest hug. “Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! For the first time I feel like I have someone to rely on.
                  Rachel squeezed out a tiny grin. “Okay. Well let me get dressed, the babysitter will be here soon and we gotta get to the Velvet Rope early, but then again I am VIP!”  She hired one of her employee’s teenage daughters to babysit.  The young lady, Chasity, had just turned sixteen and was looking forward to earning her own money.
                  In no time, Ms. Jones transformed into this amazing looking diva.  Her fitted white dress hugged her small frame, while her nude red bottom pumps accented her earth tone makeup. She put a few curls in her hair, misted herself down with some perfume, and whispered, “Party time.”
                  “You look great, Rachel.” Leah smiled at her secret new bff.
                  “You don’t look too bad yourself.” She winked at Leah and marched into the family room to brief the children on their behavior in her absence.  If they promised to be good for the sitter, Rachel would treat them to Fun Land and ice-cream the following day.  The children agreed and the two women were off.
                  They chatted here and there until they reached the club. “I didn’t think you still partied; I thought you were so into church now.” Leah blurted out trying to continue the friendly conversation.
                  “I’m still a work in progress. I keep everything within reason; my reason that is.” She gave a fake laugh to her corny response.
                  “I’m kidding, Leah. Honestly, I haven’t been out in a while, but I thought you could use a break. Hopefully, my assumption is right?” Rachel glanced at Leah as her car smoothly glided down the road.

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