The Selection Stories Collection

The Selection Stories Collection by Kiera Cass Read Free Book Online

Book: The Selection Stories Collection by Kiera Cass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiera Cass
in sweat.
    It was a stolen moment.
    Aspen’s lips finally slowed, though I was nowhere near ready to stop. But we had to be smart. If we went any further, and there was ever evidence of it, we’d both be thrown in jail.
    Another reason everyone married young: Waiting is torture.
    “I should go,” he whispered.
    “But I want you to stay.” My lips were by his ears. I could smell his soap again.
    “America Singer, one day you will fall asleep in my arms every night. And you’ll wake up to my kisses every morning. And then some.” I bit my lip at the thought. “But now I have to go. We’re pushing our luck.”
    I sighed and loosened my grip. He was right.
    “I love you, America.”
    “I love you, Aspen.”
    These secret moments would be enough to get me through everything coming: Mom’s disappointment when I wasn’t chosen, the work I’d have to do to help Aspen save, the eruption that was coming when he asked Dad for my hand, and whatever struggles we’d go through once we were married. None of it mattered. Not if I had Aspen.

    A WEEK LATER, I BEAT Aspen to the tree house.
    It took a bit of work to get the things I wanted up there in silence, but I managed. I rearranged the plates one last time as I heard someone climbing the tree.
    Aspen started and laughed. I lit the new candle I’d purchased just for us. He crossed the tree house to kiss me, and after a moment, I started talking about all that had happened during the week.
    “I never got to tell you about the sign-ups,” I said, excited about the news.
    “How’d it go? Mom said it was packed.”
    “It was crazy, Aspen. You should have seen what people were wearing! And I’m sure you know that it’s less of a lottery than they’re claiming. So I was right all along. There are far more interesting people to choose in Carolina than me, so this was all a big nothing.”
    “All the same, thank you for doing it. It means a lot to me.” His eyes were still focused on me. He hadn’t even bothered looking around the tree house. Drinking me in, like always.
    “Well, the best part is that since my mother had no idea I’d already promised you, she bribed me to sign up.” I couldn’t contain my smile. This week families had already started throwing parties for their daughters, sure that they would be the one chosen for the Selection. I’d sung at no less than seven celebrations, packing two into a night for the sake of getting my own paychecks. And Mom was true to her word. It felt liberating to have money that was mine.
    “Bribed you? With what?” His face was lit with excitement.
    “Money, of course. Look, I made you a feast!” I pulled away from him and started grabbing plates. I’d made too much dinner on purpose to save him some, and I’d been baking pastries for days. May and I both had a terrible addiction to sweets anyway, and she was jubilant that this was how I was choosing to spend my money.
    “What’s all this?”
    “Food. I made it myself.” I was beaming with pride at my efforts. Finally, tonight, Aspen could be full. But his smile faded as he took in plate after plate.
    “Aspen, is something wrong?”
    “This isn’t right.” He shook his head and looked away from the treats.
    “What do you mean?”
    “America, I’m supposed to be providing for you. It’s humiliating for me to come here and have you do all this for me.”
    “But I give you food all the time.”
    “Your little leftovers. You think I don’t know better? I don’t feel bad about taking something you don’t want. But to have you— I’m supposed to—”
    “Aspen, you give me things all the time. You provide for me. I have all my pen—”
    “Pennies? You think bringing that up now is a good idea? Don’t you know how much I hate that? That I love to hear you sing but can’t really pay you when everyone else does?”
    “You shouldn’t pay me at all! It’s a gift. Anything of mine you want you can have!” I knew we needed to be

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