The Ride Across Lake Constance and Other Plays

The Ride Across Lake Constance and Other Plays by Peter Handke Read Free Book Online

Book: The Ride Across Lake Constance and Other Plays by Peter Handke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Handke
Tags: Fiction, Literary
finally a sentence containing the proper name My Lai , also in distorted form because of the proximity of the event (“As the old bastard of an Irishman used to say to me about Dora: ‘She was me last lay before me prostate operation, and she was me very best lay.’”) .
    The hit turns out to be a two-run hit, the beating is a b eating a round t he bush , the bomb turns out to be what a bomb this play was, the smashed brain on the stone turns into mashed potatoes alone , where someone spread blood it
turns out that the old beer-belly actually sweated Bud ; when shot is mentioned it only refers to a shot of whiskey ; and what shot through his head were only thoughts ; “Shot through the head!”—“Shot through the head?”—“Yes, thoughts shot through my head.” Syphilis is Sisyphus & the clap is a thunderclap & a dildo becomes dill does it too.
    â€œCashes in!”—“Cashes in pretty good!”—“The cops?”— “By the cops!”—“Cashed in?”
    â€œ … broken!”—“with grief …”—“The neck?”—“A bottle!” —“ … the neck!”—“Broken …”—“ … and stuck the finger in …”—“Good!”—“Cut off!”—“What kind of head?”— “The conversation?”—“What?”—“He’s one good head shorter.”—“Off.”—“What kind of head?”—“Good, good.”
    â€œ … three, four:”-“One, two, three—go!”—“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven …”—“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven ( pause ) eight ( pause ) nine ( pause ) ten—finished!” “Once, once more, a third time, four times, five times, and once more …”—“And then it was already getting bright outside …”—“Twenty-one, twenty-two-it’s uncanny, uncanny.” —“And then I stopped counting …”
    â€œCorpses in quiet waters …”—“Oh, what a pretty title”—“Like an O?”—“ … laying their eggs there:”—“Like Story of O?”—“As though it were nothing …”—“Shame!”—“ … ‘and didn’t say a single word!’”—“What a beautiful title!”— “Oh!”—“ … the carps lay their eggs in quiet waters …”—“In Lake Erie?”—“Shame! shame! and shame once more!”—“Let’s say it was nothing!”—“According to the Geneva convention, o.k.?”
    â€œThe project died …”—“‘Dying’ is a typo, actually it should say ‘dried’!”—“Of fear?”—“A projectile with a cross-notch at the tip …”—“Quietly!”—“Died?”—“Very quietly!” —“I’m dying.”—“What was the name of that bar?”—“DumDum!” —“Of laughter?”—“I can’t go on!”—“Blood?”—“Into the blood!”—“As for me, he died!”—“Died for all of us …”—“Quiet!”-“Psst!”—“Silence!”—( silence )—“An angel walked through the room!”—“Oh, Harlem … !”—“Yes.”
—“Unforgettable those tulip fields!”—“Haarlem …”—“Yeasz …”
    â€œ … shaking with fear!”—“Pardon the question: ‘Shaking with fear’?”—Someone else in the background: “ … shake well before use!”—“Excuse me!”
    â€œ … could be seen from far away: fucked the cows …”

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