The Seven Year King (The Faerie Ring #3)

The Seven Year King (The Faerie Ring #3) by Kiki Hamilton Read Free Book Online

Book: The Seven Year King (The Faerie Ring #3) by Kiki Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiki Hamilton
with shock. “By this creature?”
    “There’s no doubt it was the same man. The victim’s heart had been sliced from her chest.”
    Leo’s face turned pale, making the scar on his neck that much more prominent. “Where? When? Who did he murder this time?”
    “A young girl in Hyde Park. She was about sixteen years old—the same age as Marie Claire.” Arthur heaved a heavy sigh at the mention of the murdered daughter of their good friend, Charles Bagley.
    “And the same age as Baby,” Leo said faintly, naming their younger sister, Beatrice.
    “Good point. The girl must have been attacked sometime after midnight. Her body was found this morning not far from The Ring by a man out for an early ride. Because of the proximity to Buckingham, Scotland Yard thought it wise to inform us.” He rubbed his forehead. “Just in case.”
    Leo sat back in his chair. “He’s back.” He raised frightened eyes toward his brother. “None of us are safe.”

Chapter Ten

    T he clock chimed nine times as Tiki and Rieker entered the townhome. Several lamps were lit in the foyer and down the hallway, awaiting their return, the gas turned low to dim their light. Tiki removed her shoes and clutched them in one hand as she followed Rieker, her stocking feet silent on the wood floors.
    What would she tell Fiona when the girl asked about Johnny? Tiki shook her head. How could she have forgotten to check on the welfare of the young boy? Guilt speared her stomach in an uncomfortable way. But so much had happened… It seemed she would have to return to the Otherworld sooner than she anticipated, if only to help Fiona find out how Johnny was faring. Plus, she couldn’t shake the image of that starving faerie. How many others were in need like her?
    Rieker paused outside a pair of large, carved walnut doors that led to his study. He fingered a strand of her dark hair, his smoky eyes fixed on hers. “I’m going to sit by the fire for a bit and absorb what we’ve learned today. Would you care to join me?”
    Had it only been one day since they’d stared into the depths of the ring searching for answers? Was it only this afternoon that they’d talked with Arthur and been directed to the Coronation Chair at Westminster Abbey? Had it really been just a few hours ago that the Stone of Tara had cried out at her touch and the world of Faerie had accepted her as their Queen of the Seelie Court? A new sense of responsibility weighed on her. Was it up to her to save Dain? To feed the homeless and starving? If she didn’t do it—who would?
    Tiki shivered.
    “Are you cold?”
    She shook her head. “Just tired. And… and maybe a little scared.”
    Rieker brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers, his eyes dark and serious. “I’ll be here to help you.”
    Tiki nodded and forced a smile, a strange sense of foreboding making her chest tight. Were either of them strong enough to face what was coming? “I want to check on the others and then I’ll be down.”
    Rieker nodded and reached for the brass door handle. “I’ll stoke the fire and chase the chill from the room. Perhaps now that Larkin has finally got what she wanted, we won’t have an unwelcome visitor in the middle of our conversations.”
    Tiki gave a wry smile. “One can only hope.”
    Her stocking feet were silent on the stairs as she climbed to the upper drawing room where they liked to gather at night. She rounded the corner and just as she’d hoped, Toots, Clara and Shamus were sitting before the fire. Shamus was whittling on a small figure he held in his hands, Toots was trying to build a tower with building blocks and Clara was turning the pages of a book.
    “I thought I might find you lot here,” Tiki said, “lolly-gagging about.” As one, they lifted their heads in surprise.
    “Tiki!” Toots and Clara bounded toward her and wrapped their arms around her legs and waist, clutching her tight. A slow smile spread across Shamus’ face, making him look much

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