The Shadow of a King (Shadowland Book 2)

The Shadow of a King (Shadowland Book 2) by C.M. Gray Read Free Book Online

Book: The Shadow of a King (Shadowland Book 2) by C.M. Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Gray
lowered his blade and, after a moment, waved towards the fire, indicating that his visitor should sit, which she did with obvious relief, plainly exhausted from her journey.
    'You are a guest in my village and in my home, and as such I welcome you, we were about to begin our meal, you will join us.' It was said as a statement of fact rather than an invitation. He signalled to the woman tending the fire and watched silently as first a bowl of steaming meal stew was offered and then a smaller bowl of warm apple wine was poured and set before his guest.
    'I thank you for your hospitality, Lord Octa.' The woman sipped some of the fragrant brew and then placed the bowl in front of her. 'I am the Abbess Morgana. I lead a small group of sisters in the worship of our Lord at the Abbey at Holy Glastening. Are you familiar with our Abbey my Lord?'
    Octa accepted his own bowl of stew and then nodded. 'Although I have not yet been there, we know of the Abbey, because…' - he waved his hands as he thought of the correct words - 'our… contacts… have told us that your King Uther is there dying, yes?' He fished out a piece of eel from the bowl and gnawed the meat from the central bone before tossing it towards the dog. The old hound lifted its head to glance towards the offering, but then went back to sleep, giving a low whining sigh, Octa shook his head.
    'Until recently, King Uther was indeed a guest at our Abbey, in fact, he was under my personal care.' Morgana took another sip of the wine and then set her bowl down and smoothed her robe. 'Now, however, the King has risen. He was summoned by the Druids and has now returned to his warriors. As we sit here enjoying the heat of your hearth, he is preparing to lead the tribes against you and your men when you meet at Valerum.'
    'How can a dying man lead troops? The reports that I received claimed that he was standing at the gates of the Shadowland, that his light was almost gone from this world… were those reports incorrect?'
    'Your informant did not lie. The King has been gravely ill and had almost passed. I did not think there was anything else that could be done for him. His spirit had faded, he had not taken sustenance for many days, his body was weak and he was more than halfway towards death.'
    'Yet he now walks and leads men to battle, this half dead King? Something is not right with this; your Druids have enchanted him with their spells.' Octa gazed into the flames of the fire. 'And why do you, a Briton, come to me with this news? Do you seek to profit some favour or plead with me? To perhaps gain some kind of promise that we will not raid your Abbey for its gold and silver or turn me from my task of making this a Saxon land?'
    'There is no gold or silver at Glastening and I seek no favour from you, Lord Octa, I come offering you information and ask nothing from you in return. I know you have wergild, a debt of blood to collect from King Uther, he killed your uncle, Lord Horsa, when you were still a child and I have heard it said that you have long wished this debt paid. I bring you information, but I have my own reasons for doing this. I will have the King returned to my care before you kill him and you will help me accomplish this.' Taking a small clay bottle from her cloak, Morgana leant forward and held it out. Octa sat back and stared down at the flask for a moment before glancing up questioningly at his guest.
    'There is a grove to the west of Valerum that is sacred to the Druids; your raiding parties will no doubt know of it. The King will rest there before he meets with you in battle, or perhaps after. I do not know which, but I have seen that he will be there.' Morgana waved a hand dismissively. 'Anyway, there is a pool in the grove into which you must tip this potion. It will only bring an affect upon King Uther.'
    'You say you have seen he will be there? You have the gift?' Octa glanced across to the women working the loom; they had both stopped and were listening to

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