The Silken Cord

The Silken Cord by Leigh Bale Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Silken Cord by Leigh Bale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Bale
Tags: Romance, Historical, England, Medieval, Christian, slave, Inspirational, Wales, Castles, william the conqueror
different ploy. If Ariana agreed to wed him, he would release the
boy. But Ariana knew Edwin would kill her brother anyway and use
her to steal her people’s lands. It was an impossible situation. Of
course, Edwin didn’t know her father was dead.
    It was the only reason Edwin hadn’t killed
Dafydd already. With Dafydd dead, there would be no heir to her
father’s throne. Ariana shuddered at the thought.
    With his last breath, Ariana’s father had
begged her to get Dafydd back and see the boy placed upon the
throne. If it meant her life, she would see her brother safely
    Now, she lost her appetite. Her brother’s
life was in jeopardy, her people were dying and there was no
    Tears burned her eyes and she turned away so
Wulfgar wouldn’t see. She stared down at her plate of food, unable
to touch the tasty meat.
    “You should eat.” Wulfgar’s voice reached
her ears. “You’ve had a difficult ordeal and must keep your
    He was right. Drying her eyes, she forced
herself to take a bite and chewed without thinking.
    Her stomach cramped with tension and
    I must get off this island. Please help me,
    A calming peace enveloped her. She mustn’t
panic, for she would be of no use to Dafydd then.
    After the conquest of England, she could
understand why King William had made Wulfgar an earl over one of
the most powerful marches along the Welsh border. She could also
understand why he had sent Wulfgar into slavery the moment he
became a threat.
    But why had the king spared Wulfgar’s
    He set his empty plate aside and took a long
drink of water. Then, he came to his feet and picked up the
    “Will you be all right if I leave you for a
short time?” he asked.
    Since they were on an island, she knew he
couldn’t flee without help. But what if his men found him before
Jenkin arrived? She mustn’t lose Wulfgar now.
    “Where are you going?” She asked too
    “Up that hill to see if I can see a ship.”
He pointed to the west. “You’ll be safe here with Callum and Gara
and I’ll hear if you cry out.”
    There was conviction in his tone, and Ariana
didn’t doubt his words. It seemed her slave had become her
protector, which confused her even more.
    He turned to go.
    He stopped and turned around, waiting
patiently for her to continue.
    “Why did you jump in to save me?”
    His dark eyes filled with emotions she
didn’t understand. “I knew you would drown if I didn’t.”
    “But you would be free if I were dead.”
    Both of them understood her question. If
their men found him later, he could simply say she had died, her
body lost at sea. No one would know the truth. He would be free.
Yet, he had done nothing but defend her. If he were truly a
traitor, why didn’t he kill her?
    His face darkened. “Despite what you have
heard, I am no murderer. Nor am I a traitor.”
    He turned and walked away. A shiver of
foreboding washed over Ariana and she wrapped her arms about
herself, staring after him. She wished she could believe him, but
didn’t dare. Too much was at stake. And once she told him what she
wanted from him, he might change his mind.

Chapter Five

    Wulfgar returned to the hut a short time
later, disappointed to see no sign of his men. He’d discovered a
small lake where ducks nested along the shore and understood how
Callum got fresh drinking water.
    Gara stood upon one of the low hills, using
a long staff to help Callum herd the sheep. Wulfgar’s temper had
cooled. It did little good to tell Ariana he was no murderer of
women. His stomach sickened when he thought of pleading his cause
before the king. If his actions didn’t speak for him, he certainly
wouldn’t explain himself to Ariana. She would have to trust him or
not. It made little difference to him.
    Ah, that wasn’t true. For some reason, what
she thought meant a great deal to him. Why? He didn’t know, only
that he was tied to this woman by more than

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