The Silken Cord
mouth, unwilling to tempt fate. If Jenkin and her other men didn’t
find them soon, she shuddered to think what might happen.
    Her knees weakened and she dropped the stick
of wood and fell to the ground at Wulfgar’s feet. She watched as
the Vikings took in the mooring lines, waded into the sea, and
climbed into their boat. They raised the single sail and began to
row. As the wind breathed upon it, the ship shot away from the
island, leaving her alone with Wulfgar. A Norman slave who had
saved her life twice.

Chapter Four

    “Thank you.” Ariana couldn’t help feeling
grateful to Wulfgar.
    His head dipped in acknowledgement. Tilting
her head, she looked at him, her gaze caught by his gleaming black
eyes. The silence lengthened between them, with only cries of sea
birds to fill the void.
    Looking around, she searched for her dagger.
It lay a short distance away on the ground.
    His gaze followed hers. With two fluid
steps, he scooped up the blade and presented it to her in a gallant
flourish. “If it gives you comfort, then I wish you to have
    Taking the weapon, she clutched it with
chilled fingers. As if she could ever use it against him. If he
decided to take it from her, he could do so with little effort. But
the weapon had sentimental value and she didn’t want to lose
    “Thank you.”
    His expression softened. “You’re
    “Wulfgar. My lady. Are you all right?”
Callum came running over the hill, carrying a long spear.
    “Now he comes to our aid.” Wulfgar mumbled
with an amused chuckle.
    Turning, Ariana walked to the Viking’s camp
in the rubble of the deserted monastery. She pointed toward the
campfire. “They left us some food.”
    Three large salmon lay across a wide, flat
stone. Her stomach rumbled ravenously.
    With both hands, she picked up a heavy fish
by the tail and waved it at Wulfgar and Callum. “Should we invite
them back to break the fast with us?”
    Shaking his head, Wulfgar’s mouth quirked
upward as he stabbed his spear into the ground. “I think it best if
we dine alone.”
    Callum grinned and took the fish from her.
“Gara should be pleased. We’ll have a feast.”
    He turned and jogged off toward the hut.
    In their haste to leave the island, the
Vikings had also left two leather packs behind. Ariana rummaged
through them and discovered a skin filled with water, small packets
of dried meat and berries, a cooking knife, and some bronze cups
and plates. She would give the provisions to Callum and Gara, for
their kind hospitality.
    “Here.” She called to Wulfgar.
    When he looked up, she tossed him a chunk of
dried meat. He caught it deftly in mid-air and grinned as he popped
the morsel into his mouth and chewed. Ariana tilted the spout of
the water container to her mouth and drank deeply. Ah, fresh water.
Truly one of the joys in life.
    Having quenched her thirst, she felt much
better. She offered the water to Wulfgar and watched as he took the
container, tilting the brim to his lips.
    “Why did you betray your king?” The question
came from her mouth so fast that she couldn’t stop it. Whatever had
made her ask such a thing?
    His eyes clouded over. “I never betrayed
    “But everyone knows you were convicted of
    “I did not betray my king.”
    He turned away and she let her questions
die. Surely his king would not have sentenced him so harshly
without ample proof.
    She tamped down her feelings of friendship,
trying to remember not to trust this man. Wulfgar was a traitor,
his Norman people the lowest scum on earth.
    “Tell me why you bought me,” he said.
    Ah, he’d turned the tide on her. If he knew
what she wanted, he might refuse. She wasn’t yet ready for him to
know the truth. Not until her men were here to lend her aid should
he refuse.
    “Who are your people? Which clan are you
from?” he persisted.
    Like him, she didn’t respond. She blinked,
feeling some semblance of control returning to her trembling

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