The Sugar Ball

The Sugar Ball by Helen Perelman Read Free Book Online

Book: The Sugar Ball by Helen Perelman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Perelman
clothes and knew how to put together high-fashion looks.
    â€œThe truth is,” Raina added, leaning in closer to Dash. “Berry would like anything you gave her.”
    â€œBut I want to give her something she is really going to love,” Dash replied. She swung her legs back and forth. “I want to surprise her with a special gift this year.” Her silver wings flapped quickly. “I wish I could think of something with extra sugar!”
    â€œI know how you feel,” Raina said. “I’ve had the hardest time coming up with an idea.” Shelooked over at Dash. “I’ll tell you what I’m going to get her, but please keep it a secret.”
    â€œSure as sugar!” Dash exclaimed. She clapped her hands. “Oh, what are you planning?”
    Raina took her last sip of the fruit nectar. “Last night I was reading a story in the Fairy Code Book, and I got a delicious idea.”
    Dash rolled her eyes. “I should have guessed that this would have something to do with the Fairy Code Book,” she said.
    Raina read the Fairy Code Book so often that her friends teased her that she knew the whole book by heart.
    â€œWell,” Raina continued, “there is a great story in the book about Lyra, the Fruit Chew Meadow unicorn.”
    â€œOh, I love Lyra,” Dash sang out. “She growsthose gorgeous candy flowers at the edge of the meadow.” Just as she said those words, Dash knew why Raina’s grin was so wide. “You talked to Lyra, and she is going to give you a special flower for Berry?”
    Raina laughed. “Dash!” she said. “You ruined my surprise.” She put her empty bowl back inside her bag. “I thought that if I got Berry a flower, I could make a headband for her. You know how she loves to accessorize.”
    â€œThe more the better, for Berry,” Dash added. “And those are the fanciest flowers in the kingdom.
So mint!
Berry is going to love that headband.” Dash stopped talking for a moment to take in the whole idea. “Wait, how’d you get Lyra to do that for you? Unicorns don’t like to talk to anyone!”
    Raina smiled. “Well, that’s not really true,” she said.
    â€œLet me guess,” Dash said. “Did you read that in a book?”
    Raina giggled. “Actually, I didn’t,” she told her friend. “To be honest, I think Lyra is just shy.”
    â€œReally?” Dash asked. “Can I meet her? Maybe she’ll have another idea for a gift for Berry. Let’s go now.” She stood up and leaped off the branch into the air.
    â€œI’ve been working all morning,” Raina said. She reached her arms up into a wide stretch. “Maybe we can go in a little while?”
    Dash fluttered back down to the branch. Her small silver wings flapped quickly. “Come on,” she begged. “Let’s go now!”
    Dash was known for being fast on theslopes of the Frosted Mountains—and for being impatient. She liked to move quickly and make fast decisions.
    Leaning back on the gummy tree, Raina closed her eyes. “Please just let me rest a little, and then we can go,” she said with a yawn.
    â€œAll right,” Dash said. “Do you have any more of that nectar?”
    Raina gave Dash her bowl and poured out some more of Berry’s nectar. Then she shut her eyes. Before Raina drifted off to sleep, she imagined Berry’s happy face when she saw her birthday present. Sure as sugar, Valentine’s Day was going to be supersweet!

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