The  Super 4 : Dark Death

The Super 4 : Dark Death by Harrison Wallace Read Free Book Online

Book: The Super 4 : Dark Death by Harrison Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harrison Wallace
Tags: science, SciFi, Washington, dc, Powers, super, powers abilities
favorite book.
    Now I walked to class with that sense of
accomplishment filling my head with happiness.
    I was the king of the world.
    And then someone stuck out their foot and
tripped me.
    I fell.
    Everyone started laughing. And all that sense
of accomplishment that had floated around my head suddenly left and
went to the bully who tripped me.
    I decided to let it go. After all I could
pummel him with my new found powers. Plus all the exercises we did
made me feel great.
    For the first time I looked over to my…
foot-sticker out? Tripper? I don’t know. Anyways I examined him.
Long, shaggy blond hair that fell to his broad shoulders, muscular
arms, and a tanned skin tone. Then I looked at his eyes. They were
green. And the only green I know that looks like that, belongs to a
superhero. A very fast superhero.
    The day flashed by in a blur.
    A blur that made me think of Jake. A blur that
made me feel angry and hurt on the inside.
    In what seemed
like no time at all, I was sitting on the bus. Harrison sat on one
side of me and Carly took a seat to my right. When Jake saw the
three of us, he made a big show of turning around and heading to
the front of the bus. He took a seat next to Kevin and Karen. The
twins. And I mean the twins! Kevin is the center on the football team and Karen is
junior to only Carly on the cheerleading squad.
    Jake went into an engaging
conversation that was so loud everyone on the bus heard it. But no
one, not even the bus driver would tell the coolest guy in school
to shut up. In fact almost everyone looked, enviously, at the
Twins. Karen flipped her auburn hair, while Kevin ran his fingers
through his own matching hair, though his was considerably shorter.
They listened quietly as Jake continued his loud conversation,
stopping only to check if each other hadn’t died of
    I probably would of died
    And then, for the first time Kevin
spoke. “Hey Jake! Good job with tripping up Kleinazoid earlier
today. Way to go man!”
    “ Hey that freak was seriously
freaking me out!”
    The Twins laughter rang out through the bus.
It was short, but to me it sounded like it lasted a million years.
Jake purposely looked over to us. When he ran his eyes over
Harrison and I, his face twisted in disgust. His ex-best friend
returned the ugly face. I did the same.
    But when Jake looked over at Carly his
disgusted look fell into one of sadness, and perhaps hope. His
green eyes softened and his gaze lingered on her for a
    Carly noticed and returned his look with a
rude hand gesture.
    I stifled a laugh.
    Jake’s face molded into one of complete and
utter sadness. He turned and listened to the Twins voices. His face
held a lost look on it.
    He started nodding unconsciously, he looked
like he was in another world.
    I knew that look. It was one of defeat. I
often see it in my competitors’ faces. Except in P.E. But never was
there a face that held so much defeat.
    I found myself feeling sorry for him. But then
I waved the kindness away with the memories of laughter.
    I suddenly noticed Carly passing a note to
Harrison. I looked over at the note in his hands.
    It read: ‘Tree house at 5’. We nodded. On the
paper I wrote: ‘What’s with the note?’ Carly’s eyes skimmed over
it. After a while, she wrote: ‘Jake has super hearing’.
    My face fell when my eyes saw the words she
had written. “WHAT!”
    Every face in the bus turned to look at me.
The Twins blue eyes sparkled when they saw me.
    To make a long story short I spent the rest of
the ride home being bombarded with spitballs. To make a short story
shorter, it didn’t feel good!
    At four forty-five I headed and took the walk
to the tree house.
    It takes me fourteen minutes and 38 seconds to
walk from my house to the tree house.
    As I walked I wondered what we were going to
do. We couldn’t do fights, so I don’t see what else there was to
    As I neared the tree house, I took out my
amulet and placed my hand on the

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