The Twisted

The Twisted by Joe Prendergast Read Free Book Online

Book: The Twisted by Joe Prendergast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Prendergast
could be heard saying to camera. “It was nothing really. Anyone in my position would have done the same thing.”
    â€œAll the clichés in the book!” laughed Vivian and Daniel, but no one begrudged him.
    â€œAt the end of the day,” he continued. “Some people may scoff at magic, in the traditional sense. Some people believe that unless you are a sorcerer or a wizard or a witch that magic is not real but today just proved that, once again, The Great Fragola Brothers are what magic is really all about.”
    The crowd went wild and Giuseppe pulled his brother close as cameras flashed everywhere.
    â€œI think we might just crack America now,” he whispered and Paolo nodded and laughed too.
    Eventually people started to move on – some back to their newsrooms to file the story and some just home to gossip about it.
    As Paolo and Giuseppe made their way back to the Bentley where the rest of the gang were waiting on them a pretty young woman with short hair and glasses grabbed Paolo’s arm leaving ‘Giuseppe to go ahead.
    â€œExcuse me. Don’t worry, I’m not a reporter,” she said quickly. “I need to tell you something urgently.”
    The men were intrigued.
    â€œI have learned of a girl. She is 16 years old. Her name is Tiger Higgins.”
    â€œI really don’t have time,” said Paolo, pushing past her. He was exhausted and just wanted to go home.
    â€œListen!” She pulled him back. “She has the power to destroy the world. She is more powerful than Blake. She’s coming – and she’s going to destroy us all.”
    Paolo froze. “Is she coming soon?”
    â€œFrom what I sense, she’ll take about a year to get to her full level of power but when she does she could kill us all with a flick of her hand. It could happen and no one could stop her.”
    â€œOK,” said Paolo
    â€œKeep in touch.” She said, and left him with a business card and a sincere smile.
    â€œWho was that?” asked Giuseppe when he approached.
    Paolo checked the business card. “Emma Vantage. Elite Crime Squad, it says.”
    â€œWhat was she talking to you about?”
    â€œShe said they’ve tracked down a girl. She’s 16 years old and she’s more powerful than Blake – or at least she will be.”
    â€œThat’s bad.”
    â€œVery,” admitted Paolo. “We’ll all die she said.”
    â€œWell we better make do with all the time we have left,” he joked half-heartedly.
    â€œOnly a year.”
    â€œAh well. That’s life for you. Or should I say that’s death for you?”
    â€œThe latter.”
    Giuseppe put his hands in his pockets and sighed. They probably would try and stop her – but they didn’t have much confidence that they would not succeed.

    Some people called Emma Vantage a pessimist. She considered herself a Believer. A Believer of life and death was what she was. The world is an on-going sphere, life coming and going.
    She liked her little office on Broadway. It was nice to hear the noise of the theatre. There was no use for her office really except for her own luxury. Emma had never been one to care much about others. She ran her own business fighting crime and had no real need for anyone else.
    Or at least that’s what she had always thought. Perhaps the visit to Richard Blake’s house and the people, or rather person, she met as part of it, would change her mind.

    It was the day after the huge event and most people had, had a lie in but The Fragola Brothers were up.
    â€œI had a dream last night,” said Giuseppe . “About that girl.”
    Paolo who had been looking out the window turned to him and said; “I know, me too,” as he held up Emma’s business card.
    â€œNot that girl!” said his brother laughing. The one she spoke about! The powerful one!”
    â€œOh,” said Paolo,

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