The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) by Stephanie Hudson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) by Stephanie Hudson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hudson
years to perfect the art of kissing, you can't help but feel a little self conscious about your own ability. He seemed to enjoy it but I didn't know if the reason he kissed me so much was down to how good it was or the fact that he thinks I needed the practice. Either way I wasn't complaining but I was kind of hoping for the first.
    Once he had finished kissing me he ran his thumb over my lips ever so slowly but I still couldn't open my eyes. This was the other thing about Draven, he was , to say the least ....intense. Those black , deep set eyes would stare at me with no idea about what it did to me, or maybe he did know and just didn't care. Draven was the type of man that if he wanted to stare freely at someone then he would, without giving it much thought . Like the first night I saw him at the club. He was walking up to the staircase that leads to the VIP when he saw me. He stopped right in front of my table and with a club full of people fascinated with his every move , he stopped dead and stared at me at length , without a care in the world . I had looked away first because as much as I love Draven he still kind of scares me. Don't get me wrong I know he would never hurt me but I can't help feeling a fear at the power that lies beneath his flawless skin.
    I opened my eyes to see Draven smiling at me.
    “I hope my kiss wasn't sending you to sleep . ” He said knowing full well that was impossible.
    “Quite the opposite actually .” I said before going on tip toes to kiss him on his nose and I laughed when he wrinkled it up. I turned on my hee ls and fished around for my keys out of my jeans pocket.
    “I gather I don't have to invite you in like I would have to a Vampire?” I said giggling but he just frowned and said ,
    “You watch too many movies Keira . ”
    “Buffy actually . ” I said as I threw my keys into the bowl by the door and wiggled out of my jacket but Draven had already grabbed the shoulders and was pealing it off me. I had never had a guy take my coat off for me. It was nice that he was a bit of an old fashioned gentleman. I just didn't know how old.
    “Buffy?” He asked revealing he r eally wasn't a TV watching kind of guy.
    “Yeah you know Buffy the Vampire slayer, she kicks arse! Do you even watch Telly?” He laughed at my question and I loved the sound of it in this large old house.
    “I don't really get the time but I am intrigued at how a human would destroy a Vampire, especially a woman . ” I was in the kitchen when he said this and I was only glad that I wasn't handling a sharp implement.
    “What? Don't tell me Vampires are real?” No way , he must be teasing me! No frigin way!
    “They are very real but not in the way the media portrays them. They are Demons that have been created by infected blood, which genetically changes their demon attributes. But they have many weaknesses and are fairly easy to kill . ” He said all this as though he had been giving a lecture on Demon kill zones!
    “Oh ok …. that's a little hard to take . ” I was leaning over the sink when I felt Draven behind me.
    “I'm sorry but you did ask. Maybe next time I should try and.... sugar coat it.”
    “I guess I shouldn't be surprised at anything any more. Would you like a drink?” I asked trying not to forget my manners, even though the word Vampire still hung in the air like a cartoon bubble over my head. My mum would be proud.
    “I am fine , thank you my sweet” He said this in my ear, which sent sparks up and down my spine. I was ready to strip naked and throw myself at him! Instead I filled the kettle and clicked it on. I got down a big mug that had my home team Liverpool FC on it and popped in a teabag.
    “Did Frank inherit this house?” Draven asked and I was surprised with the question. Where did that come from?
    “Umm yeah he did . ”
    “From his uncle?” Ok how did he know that? I nodded and he could clearly see the confusion on my face.
    “I have been coming here for a long time

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