The Unwanted (Black Water Tales Book 2)

The Unwanted (Black Water Tales Book 2) by Jean Nicole Rivers Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Unwanted (Black Water Tales Book 2) by Jean Nicole Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jean Nicole Rivers
Marko mimicked calmly. He left the room, instructing them with a flip of his hand to follow. An uncomfortable Travis passed Blaire and exited behind Marko.
    Marko traveled to the other end of the hall. Previously, 2C was a room for the babies, but now it was just an odd museum for what once was because there were no babies at St. Sebastian. Noticing a stain in the ceiling, Blaire stepped inside and studied it; it was the same stain that was on the floor in 3C.
    “Ugh,” Blaire said, as she jumped back when a drop of heavy black liquid dripped to the floor.
    The sound of Marko’s voice startled her, “Ms. Baker, it’s just a leak. Please keep up.”
    Room 2B was for the younger girls. Room 2A was around the corner at the far end of the hall, and it housed the older girls. Blaire took a closer look into the closets of room 2A, inspecting the pathetic habiliments more than she should have judging from the look on Marko’s face. On this side, the rooms were not much different from the other end, except that this particular room smelled of urine and stringent soap.
    “Where do they keep their personal things?” Blaire inquired.
    “Personal things?” Marko asked.
    “Yes, you know, like books or clothes.”
    “They don’t have any personal things. All clothes are community property based on which room a child is housed in. Most of the children are brought here with no personal belongings. They barely have clothes on their backs when they’re dropped at our doorstep.” Marko motioned for her to continue following him as he fled the room.
    The most chilling idea to Blaire thus far was of the children having no personal belongings. There was nothing to define who they were or why they had existed. They had nothing to leave behind, and anyone who came after them would never even know they had been here.
    “Kinda like a prison,” Travis whispered to Blaire before he left the room to catch up with Marko.
    It’s not like a prison ,Blaire thought to herself, even prisoners had personal belongings. It was as if they didn’t exist at all. They were more like ghosts.
    Blaire took one last look at the room and saw a little girl sitting on one of the beds staring out the window . It was the same little girl that she had seen earlier in the day wearing red corduroy overalls.
    “Hello,” Blaire greeted her.
    “My name is Ms. Baker.”
    The little girl said nothing.
    Blaire hesitated at the silence, but added, “What is your name?”
    “Blaire,” Travis’ voice called from the hall, startling Blaire.
    “Well, I’ll see you later, Lorna.” Blaire gave a quick wave before jogging down the stairs to catch up with Travis and Marko.
    On the first floor, Marko started his tour by the front door where he showed them what used to be a waiting room. Across the hall was what Marko called a playroom, but considering the drab décor and the complete lack of toys, games, or any other device that would offer even the slightest stimulation, the room could have gone by any other name, and it would have probably been more accurate. Next to that was the nurse’s office.
    “Here is where you will be spending most of your time.” Marko turned to Travis with an awkward smile. Travis stepped into the room and eyed it skeptically.
    “This is where I will be giving medical care ?” he said turning to see Marko nod briefly before he turned his focus back to the skeleton of a medical facility. On the desk sat a broken lamp. The glass doors of an armoire were covered in some type of caramel -colored filth, through which Blaire could make out a couple of cotton balls, rubbing alcohol, splintered tongue depressors, and some archaic tools that even Hippocrates would have frowned upon. Travis’ eyes moved to the steel examining table that sat next to an antiquated -looking wheelchair, whose seat and back looked as if it were chewed by wolves. He noticed a derisible bookshelf that held one book simply called Anatomy

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