The Warrior and the Petulant Princess

The Warrior and the Petulant Princess by Maggie Carpenter Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Warrior and the Petulant Princess by Maggie Carpenter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Carpenter
Tags: Romance, Historical, Fantasy, BDSM, Erotic Fiction
challenging, when she realizes it’s no longer a game, that the expectation is not a temporary one.”
    “This is when it is important that she be away from here.”
    “Yes, Sire.”
    “Hmmm, there is one element…”
    “You look worried.”
    “It’s the journey. You’ll have to cross over the barren land. There are marauders there. Our peace is tenuous. I’m worried for her safety.”
    “I have a special carriage on its way here Sire, and I hope you will forgive the presumption, but I thought it better to have it ready should we forge this agreement. The carriage is equipped with a secret compartment in which she can hide should it be necessary, and accompanied by a retinue of my best warriors who will, naturally, accompany us on our return. These marauders flee when faced with skilled men such as mine, and only attack if they see something they want, or need, and if she is hidden away…”
    “They are scavengers at best,” Handerah nodded. “As long as she is out of sight they will have no will to fight just for the sake of it.”
    “Exactly,” Larian nodded. “The carriage is filled with foodstuffs, gifts from the Prince to you and your good wife. I doubt they will fight for such fare, and this is excellent training for my men. Diplomacy, the ability to negotiate out of a fight is part of their training. They are tasked with arriving here without having raised a sword.”
    “And that is the excuse for the carriage to be coming here, a gift for me in thanks for the banquet in your honor.”
    “Should the men have to show the contents of the carriage, yes, so it will make sense that it will be empty on the return trip. I have fought these marauders, Sire. I was able to take on several at once and depart without a scratch. This is why I have no concern about them.”
    “I am reassured, Larian,” the King declared.
    “Then I will await final word after you have spoken to your wife. Thank you, Sire, I believe Lizbett and I will have a very long and contented life, at least, if we are married.”
    “Getting her under control before walking her down the path to the arch of the ceremony.”
    “Yes, Sire, once we are there all will be well.”
    “This has been an excellent meeting,” the King declared, “and I believe, for the first time in many passes of the moons, I will be sleeping much more easily where my daughter is concerned.”
    “I’m glad, Sire, and I am honored and grateful for your blessing.”
    “You know,” said Handerah as he walked Larian to the door, “I believe you will be successful with Lizbett for one very important reason.
    “What’s that Sire?”
    “She cares for you deeply. Were that not the case, I’m not sure your training would matter.”
    “Sire, you are wise indeed, and you are absolutely correct.”

    L izbett had chosen a pale green gown studded with precious jewels, and had sparkling threads woven into the locks in her long red hair. Dabbing on the powder that would bring her cheeks and lips to a bright red, she smiled at her image in the reflecting glass.
    “He will be sorry not to be sitting next to me now,” she giggled.
    Lizbett was particular about her dress, and couldn’t abide even the slightest wrinkle or spot on anything; making one last check of her gown to make sure it was completely pristine, she rose from her chair and headed to the banquet hall.
    As the guest of honor Larian was to be seated next to the King, and Lizbett would have been on Larian’s other side, but with the warrior’s request Handerah hadn’t been sure where to place her, then he realized with his wife away she could sit in her mother’s chair next to him.
    All eyes were upon her as she entered the banquet hall, and she smiled happily as she heard the complimentary comments about her dress and overall beauty. It didn’t surprise her, she was used to such attention, and glided forward to the head table where the page showed her where she would be sitting.
    “In my

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