The Warrior and the Petulant Princess

The Warrior and the Petulant Princess by Maggie Carpenter Read Free Book Online

Book: The Warrior and the Petulant Princess by Maggie Carpenter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Carpenter
Tags: Romance, Historical, Fantasy, BDSM, Erotic Fiction
much that is taught. While there is emphasis on fighting skills, horsemanship, survival, and these types of things, there is also solemn and serious tutelage in the ways of men and women. Warriors may be strong and have physical expertise on the battlefield, he may be able to wield a sword with precision and power, but a woman can bring that same warrior to his knees.”
    “Yes, this is so, this is very true,” Handerah agreed vehemently, “and Lizbett is such a woman. She is so beautiful, and such a…such a challenge, I have seen her do it. She has reduced some of her suitors into fury, others to great sadness. A slim young woman does possess such power over strong, brawny, brilliant men, I have seen it.”
    “I’m sure you have,” Larian smiled. “I have been taught how to deal with such a woman, not with cruelty or brutality, but with wit, gentle but strong methods, and exerting a will stronger than hers. It takes time and finesse, but I have the time, and I believe the education, and of course, I care for her deeply.”
    “You have put my mind at ease,” Handerah sighed, “and I thank you. I can feel these are not just words, that you have this tutelage you speak of. We should have such training here, but alas, I know of no man who is capable of such things.”
    “You do now,” Larian smiled, “which brings me to the second matter, with your permission?”
    “Yes, yes, of course. What is the second matter?”
    “Lizbett will one day be Queen of Verdana, and at that time I will be required to stay with her.”
    “Ah, yes, this is so,” the King nodded solemnly, embarrassed he’d not considered the problem himself.
    “If I may be so bold, I would like to suggest something that will make this reasonable for me.”
    “Please, yes.”
    “Back in Zanderone, I am a Commander. I have already been given permission by my Prince to offer some of our training techniques to your men. If you would bestow the same rank to me here, it would give me position and bearing, I could train and teach, and when Lizbett takes the throne it would be an easy move up to become Commander General of Verdana’s forces.”
    “Larian, that is an excellent proposal.”
    “I’m so pleased you think so, Sire. Now there is one final thing I must ask.”
    “Please, feel free.”
    “In order for me to channel Lizbett’s fiery spirit, it would be best to have her stay at my residence. It is not a castle, but it is extremely comfortable, it has a full staff and is very secure. You can trust that I will not consummate our union until our wedding night, and that wedding will only happen when I have determined that Lizbett is the elegant, strong, compassionate woman we both know she can be. If I fail in that task, then I am not the one to be her life-mate.”
    “This is a highly irregular request, but I believe I understand the necessity. If she remained here she would have the safety net of my chambers, or her mother’s. Alone with you…”
    “Yes, Sire, exactly, but please know, if I fear I am being ineffective I will escort her back here immediately.”
    “I must consult with my wife, but I have no objection. I see the wisdom behind the request, and I trust you, Larian.”
    “I am honored that you do, Sire, and I thank you. I have already had a few words with Lizbett, and I believe at dinner tonight you might see a slight change.”
    “Already? You’ve only just arrived,” the King declared.
    “Indeed,” Lairan smiled. “I do request, though, that we not be seated together.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “I have told Lizbett that to sit next to me is a privilege that must be earned.”
    The Monarch paused, staring at him for a moment, then broke into a broad grin.
    “Ah, you are a clever man,” he remarked, “I will see to it.”
    “Thank you, Sire. The initial stages of, if you’ll pardon the expression, taming the naughty woman, can be very effective. It’s the middle part of her journey that can be

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