The White Schooner

The White Schooner by Antony Trew Read Free Book Online

Book: The White Schooner by Antony Trew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Antony Trew
Comisario’s desk rang. He picked it up. ‘What is it?’
    In the room they could hear the distant blur of the caller’s voice.
    ‘No. No,’ said the Comisario. ‘Not now. I am busy.’ He put the phone down and waved a hand at the thin man. ‘Go on.’
    ‘We believe that this traffic is organised here. Our difficulty is to collect hard evidence. Of the method of importing, of storing and distribution.’ He inclined his head towards the two uniformed men. ‘Capitan Sura and Teniente Lorenzo have identified two pushers. They are being watched and we hope they will provide leads.’
    The Comisario looked up suddenly. ‘Do they deal directly with Kyriakou?’
    ‘No, señor Comisario. Not directly.’
    ‘Indirectly then?’
    ‘You’re certain that Kyriakou is at the centre?’
    ‘Almost certain. I prefer at this moment not to be specific. But there are good indications. For example,’ he hesitated. ‘Banking accounts. They tell a story …’
    The thin man seemed anxious to change the subject. He rustled the papers in his file. ‘There has been,’ he said, ‘a new development. It concerns Kyriakou. On Friday he visited van Biljon at Altomonte.’
    There was a murmur of surprise, and the Comisario abandoned for a moment his official mask of impassivity. ‘Van Biljon! You suspect him?’
    ‘Not yet,’ the thin man said. ‘The visit by Kyriakou stands only as a fact. Something we have observed. It is too early to draw conclusions. But it is an unusual fact. Señor van Biljon does not have visitors at Altomonte. Except occasionally,’ he hesitated, ‘government officials.’
    The Comisario’s smile was arid. ‘Like me. I have been to Altomonte. I trust I am not on your list of suspects.’
    The thin man’s manner was deprecatory. ‘Indeed, not, señor.’
    ‘What are you doing about this. The possible relationship between Kyriakou and van Biljon?’
    ‘Nothing at the moment. But inquiries will be made.’
    The older man leant back in his chair and watched a ring of grey smoke climb towards the ceiling. ‘You are circumspect in what you say.’
    The thin man propped his elbows on the desk, his hands together as if he were about to pray. ‘It is necessary to be discreet, señor. Our work is hampered by leakages.’
    The Comisario watched him speculatively. The thin man was on loan from Madrid. ‘What leakages?’
    ‘I would prefer not to go into details.’ He looked out of the window.
    The moment of embarrassment was broken by the Comisario’s sigh. ‘I see. Very well. How long will it be before you have the hard evidence you spoke of?’
    The thin man took off his glasses and wiped them. His eyes could be seen to be small and red rimmed. ‘Soon, I hope. We have the problem that people who could give us information will not come forward because they are afraid.’
    The Comisario picked up a brass paperweight and balanced it on the back of his left hand. ‘But nevertheless you say soon.’
    ‘Yes. There has been an important breakthrough.’
    ‘Perhaps you will tell us about it?’ The Comisario watched him through a screen of smoke.
    The Capitan shrugged his shoulders and fidgeted with his beard. ‘Later, if you please, señor.’
    The grey-headed man turned to the two uniformed officers. They were members of his own staff. ‘Well, gentlemen,’ he said. ‘Thank you. That will be all for the present.’
    There was a scraping of chairs as they got up to go. ‘Not you, Capitan.’ He held up his hand, his eyes on the thin man. ‘There is another matter I would like to discuss with you.’
    When the others had left the room the Comisario turned to him. ‘Well, Capitan. Can you tell me now?’
    The Capitan placed his fingertips together gently, as if they were fragile, looking towards the door through which the others had gone. ‘I am certain Sura and Lorenzo are reliable. It is, however, a condition of the co-operation we receive from the U.S. Narcotics Bureau that I do not

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