The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
the skies. He found what he sought almost immediately and waited for it to near. The gull he had sent to search landed just before him, as he had requested it to do. He slowly placed his hand out and gently touched the bird with his finger. He closed his eyes and the images burst into his mind.
    There were pictures of the sea stretching for miles. Of waves crashing onto the rocky shoreline, but aside from a few small fishing vessels there was no sign of any Zulani fleet. He reopened his eyes, and was about to send the bird away again to keep searching. "Perhaps have it start looking from Hamalin back around the coast, rather than just sending it to some random spot," Oliver suggested noticing the disappointment on Luca's face. Luca nodded, thinking that was as good idea as any. He closed his eyes once more and sent his instructions. The gull flapped its large wings and quickly flew off northwards to continue its search.
    Caldar had explained to them of how the wizard Sandred used to use the services of a large eagle. Apparently, he had been able to use the bird's sight as his own, but quite how he had managed it he was not sure. Luca had thought about how he might be able to accomplish the same thing, but as yet, had not come up with any answers. If only the image of Ardred would appear before them again, he had so many questions he wished to ask. Pity he had not thought of them when the wizard had spoken to them before.
    As it was they had to make do with the skills he knew of, and so once more, the gull was the only way they had of trying to find the Zulani fleet, if indeed it was actually there. "Come on Oliver, let's get back down to the others and let Caldar know we have no news."
    They found the king, sitting chatting with his eldest son Sethin. On noticing them, Caldar gestured them into his study. With the look of expectancy on his face, Luca shook his head before the question was even asked. "Sorry Uncle, nothing of note I'm afraid." The king shrugged, "No matter, don't be sorry. We will find them Luca, and when we do, we'll be ready for them."
    Oliver explained that they had moved their search northwards to the ruins of Hamalin. For some reason the young Darekian was certain this would be the point of the Zulani focus. "But why would they choose to land there?" Sethin asked taking a keen interest. "There is nothing there but wasteland. Nothing even grows where the city once stood. There is not a village within ten miles of the place." Oliver thought on the question for a few moments before replying. "Would that itself not be a good reason to land there. The Zulani could make their foothold and nobody would even know," Oliver said, sounding unusually independent of thought. Luca smiled at his friend, happy to see that he was speaking with a free mind; something he wished he would do more often.
    The young Prince Sethin conceded the point as a fair one. "Hmm what Oliver says makes perfect sense father," he said turning to the king, who was staring at the map on the table before them. "I know Sethin," Caldar replied without moving his focus from the map, "But until I can get some sort of confirmation I cannot commit my forces to one place, just in case we are wrong." Luca could see the worry on his uncle's face. Even in the short time they had been there, it was clear the man was looking wearier by the day. Luca did have one or two suggestions for ways in which he might help, although none of which he was looking forward too.
    Luca stepped over to the window, and looked out over the yard below. People moved around and busied themselves, carrying out their jobs without question or doubt. He knew the task ahead for him would be one of both. Sooner or later Caldar would ask him to fight. Luca's father had stepped up when needed, and it was only a matter of time before he would need to do the same. He was still unsure as to whether he could kill another man. Of course, he could do so with the mere flick of his hand if he so

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