The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
door. Across the landing and back into her room, she climbed into her cold empty bed. She did not mind, the mere memory of last night made her feel on top of the world. Arran had been so gentle and loving. She had never experienced such intense pleasure before. Perhaps soon they would be able to spend their nights together, even wake up together. For now, she did not want to offend her hosts, and thought it best to at least look as if they were not up to anything that may cause offence.
    When finally Hope woke for a second time, she realised how late it must be. She cursed herself for being so lazy, knowing that she had fallen asleep on returning to her own bed. After quickly dressing and making use of the facilities on the small washstand, she ventured down the stairs.
    She could smell the aroma of bacon cooking, and was glad at least she had not missed breakfast. Arran was already up, sat at the table with Jak and Levin. Her eyes immediately met those of Arran. Did he really love her? As he had said the night before. She hoped he did, for her heart was racing at the mere sight of him. Arran stood and pulled a chair out for Hope to sit down. "Thank you Arran," she said surprised. "Good morning my Lady," Jak said from across the table.
    After helping herself to a good helping of bacon and eggs, she listened to what Levin and Jak were discussing. She had not failed to notice just how close Arran had positioned his and her chair, compared to the rest; something she was certain that had not been missed by the others. It was Jak, who spoke about them as a pair for the first time, when he asked them of their plans for the day. Hope shrugged; she hadn't so much as given it a thought. However, a wicked thought entered her mind, as she knew what she would really like to do.
    With her stomach contently full, Hope sat back in her chair. She was once more surprised when Arran openly reached over and held her hand. She immediately looked over to Jak and Levin for their reactions. The latter just gave her a smile, seemingly knowing what she was thinking. "Don't worry Hope," he said, "We were all young and in love once...except for Jak of course...I don't think he was ever young," he added chuckling at his own witty remark. To his credit, Jak laughed as well, but Hope could see a more serious side to his face, when he added, "We have had a little chat with Arran here, just so he knows where we all stand and what's expected of him." Hope looked immediately at Arran, just what had Levin and Jak been telling him. More importantly, what had he been telling them? She would have to ask when given the opportunity; after all, it was only fair she should not be kept in the dark.
    After breakfast had finished, Arran suggested he and Hope go for a walk. As much as she felt for him, and would have loved to spend the morning walking around town with him, Levin gave her a much better idea. "Perhaps the pair of you should browse the shops. You will both need a few more clothes and supplies for your onward journey." She was just about to reply they had no money with them, when Levin dropped a coin purse on the table, "Spend what you need treat."
    Hope held Arran's hand as they left the large house, and ventured through the gates out into the town. Jak had given them directions as to where the best places to shop were. Hope needed a full change of clothes, those she was currently wearing belonged to Levin's wife, just as those currently being worn by Arran, belonged to Levin. With a spring in her step, and the warmth of the morning sunshine on her face, she stopped outside the first store. She looked at Arran, and he returned the gaze with a smile, "This is going to be a long day isn't it?" he asked. Hope grinned, "Oh yes."
    In Corlan, Luca and Oliver made their way up the narrow steps that led to the keep roof. The cool fresh breeze hit them the moment they exited the small doorway. Luca let his eyes adjust to the bright daylight before looking to

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