The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
wished. His father had once been left with the same dilemma. He had ended up killing thousands. Was it perhaps the god's way of seeking justice for such a thing, by making him eventually sacrifice his own life? Luca had often pondered whether the same fate would await him. Would he also have to defend Corlan by killing thousands of people and by doing so forfeit his own existence?

Chapter 7.
    Lord Willem sat shaking his head at what he was being told. The so-called council of rulers that over-saw the running of Besemia shouted across the table at each other. It was clear the decision made the previous meeting had not been a particularly popular one. Yet the vote had been passed, and as things stood the country of Besemia had reached a new low; at least in the eyes of Lord Willem.
    The nobleman had been at the very forefront of Besemia's efforts during the last war with the Darekians. During that last campaign, he and his country had made strong ties with their neighbours. Now it seemed those ties had been all but severed. The council had voted to accept a proposal from a foreign power known as The Zulani. In exchange for Besemia sitting idly by whilst their neighbours lands were pillaged, they would get gold, lots of it.
    It was true that Besemia needed extra funding to continue with the rebuilding and modernising of its infrastructures. That said, Lord Willem considered the price too high. Although the man still had a seat on the council, due to the respect he carried amongst his peers, he was no longer afforded a vote on state matters.
    Lord Willem had pleaded with them at the last meet, to consider the action they were taking. Since that time, he had received a letter from his old friend the King of Corlan asking what was going on. Understandably, the man was confused as to the reasons why the very strongest of allies, should suddenly become no more than just neighbours.
    Willem stood, the noise of his chair sliding backwards scraping on the stone floor. He looked around at the faces sat about the table. A few felt as he did, unfortunately they were fewer in number; hence the reason for the treaty with the Zulani. He waited patiently for the chat to die down, as he crossed his arms. When eventually the room fell silent, he took a deep breath before speaking.
    Only once he was certain he had the attention of each and every man did he start. "Today I stand before you, embarrassed to call myself a Besemian. I cannot believe the naive stupidity shown by this council." One of the members went to protest but Willem simply stared him down. "Do you really think these Zulani will stop once they have taken Murati lands? Will we also stand idly by and watch them invade Corlan, and Darekia? Are you all so blind to see what will happen next?" he asked raising his voice just a little. "Well...?" he then shouted in anger and frustration.
    At the other end of the table sat the man who was currently the ruling councillor. This man had persuaded the majority of members to vote for the treaty. Clearly, he thought he did not need to stand to reply to Willem. Lounging back in his seat, "Lord Willem, may I remind you that you are only on this council to advise." He said in his nasally tones. "More importantly this gold from the Zulani will pay for so much. If Murati and Corlan cannot fight their own battles, then I do not see why that is our fault." Willem reminded the man who it was that had saved them in the last war. Had the Corlanian Prince Luken not sacrificed his life, then as sure as night followed day, they would not have been even having this meeting. "So we repay their sacrifice by turning our backs on them. You are all such cowards. I resign my seat...," he added before storming out of the room.
    Those remaining in the room looked to the head of the table for guidance. "Let him go, if he wishes to dwell on the past them let him do so. We, gentlemen, have funds to spend", the man said trying to add some gusto to the

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