
Theodore by Marcus LaGrone Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Theodore by Marcus LaGrone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus LaGrone
Tags: Fiction, furry
scheme has you two all wound up and down here knocking on my door, rather
than mooching off the others on a Friday night?”
    “Mooch?  I feel offended!  We are just...”
    “Spit it out, Marcel, or I'll lock the door.”
    “Pushy!  Quite pushy!  Especially after all we were about to
    “Pushy indeed!  Called us letches, you hear that did you! 
Verbally abused, I am!”
    “Your coach, the one from that match today, he wants us to
come find you and bring you down to the canteen.  Proper party going on down
there, and you should be there, too!”
    “I don't drink,” replied Theodore with an honest laugh.
    “Doesn't drink?  That's beside the point, my lad!  They have other things to drink than just a fine pint!”
    “You did proud for your team!  You should be there with
them, basking, being social and all!”
    “If you two shut up, I'll agree to go.  How's that!” 
laughed Theodore as he got up from his bed.
     The twins grinned at each other as the grabbed Theodore's
arms, “Fair enough!”

    Theodore gritted his teeth as they climbed the third flight
of stairs of the Student Union and entered the canteen.  He'd been there a few
times before with friends for a quiet place to relax, but there was nothing
quiet about the room this evening.  Both fencing teams were there plus another
thirty or so regular students enjoying the party-like atmosphere.  He didn't mind parties, it was just there were so few people he knew well and this crowd
tended to party a little harder than he really cared for.  There were smiles
all around, even for the visiting team that ended up losing two of three
tiers.  What caught him completely off guard, however, was the smiling form of
'Cadet Burges', his opponent from earlier match.  He wore a bright and honest
smile as he approached Theodore and offered his hand.
    “Sorry I was a jackass earlier today.  It wasn't my finest
hour... Bill Burges, is the name,” he apologized with a grin.  “Care for a
house pint?”
    “Theodore Blackford,” he smiled back, happy for the change
in attitude.  “I appreciate the offer, but I don't drink.”
    “Well what would you like instead then?” he offered with a
smile.  “Just please don't make me order a milk in front of all these
    Theodore laughed, “Lemonade, if you would please.”
    Bill rolled his eyes and laughed, “A lemonade for my worthy
opponent, if you would please!”
    There was a small cheer as the rest barked out their
approval at seeing Theodore arrive.  There were a few grins and minor laughs as
to the drink, but Bill let it roll.  “I'm sorry again for how I acted, I was
just caught completely flat footed.  I'm used to playing a rough game in the
Open Class... you know, throw my weight around... heck, even the Shukurae like
that!  I should have reviewed who you were before I stepped out there. 
Coach always said to do that, but, no, I got cocky!  There was no way I was
expecting an ambidextrous, lightning fast, cat fighting with two rapiers!  I'd
try to throw my weight and presence around and you just, zooop!, sidestep
and tag me.  By the third set, I was beyond flustered.  Coach said he
would have questioned that third or fourth point... pshaw!  You nailed me!  I
should have fought a range game with you and then try and press hard on the
parries, but no!  Once I lost my rhythm, I lost my cool and then I was toast! 
Live and learn.”
     “If it helps your feeling any, on the second round I was
feeling a lot of pressure from you.  Your parries were savage and your
follow through was perfect.”
    “Yeah, but you were just a lot better and faster than I
was!”  Bill laughed.  “I was about half a step away from a technical foul that
entire second match: my strikes were out of place!  I was almost  chopping! 
That isn't right!”  He grinned as he accepted the lemonade and passed it to
Theodore.  “Seriously, though, you've been fighting rapier since you

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