Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1)

Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) by Jane Glatt Read Free Book Online

Book: Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) by Jane Glatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Glatt
    Tonight, as head of the council, Feiren Rowse had gathered as many of the Brotherhood as possible on such short notice. Besides the council of five, who stood behind the high wooden table facing the room, there were some thirty Brothers gathered in clumps, voices low as they exchanged theories of why the meet had been called. Feiren and the council had already discussed the recent events and now they were going to explain it to their membership.
    It was time. Kane stepped over and took a place beside a solemn and serious Andel. They’d be called upon to swear witness soon enough.
    “My Brothers.” Feiren Rowse’s deep voice brought silence to the low murmurs that had been echoing around the large room. “The Brotherhood of the Throne has at last been Called. The prophesy is in motion!”
    The room erupted in chaos - shouts and cheers echoing in the large cavern. Feiren slammed a palm onto the table and the crowd fell silent.
    “If we can have silence we will hear from those who are here to swear witness.” Feiren gestured to Kane and Andel. “My own nephew, Captain Kane Rowse of the Kingsguard, whose lineage in the Brotherhood can be traced back to the reign of Wolde, and Guard Andel, also of the Kingsguard, whose family has belonged to the Brotherhood since the reign of Marto. Kane if you would give us a full report? I ask you all to hold your questions until the end.”
    Kane stepped in front of the table and began his account, starting with the revelation that the High Bishop was collecting old steel. As he described the events he’d witnessed he looked out over the faces of those assembled, seeing the same mix of emotions he’d felt over the past few hours - surprise, fear, excitement, disbelief. He finished by recounting when the thief, Brenna, had spoken the Call, the old passage that had been handed down through the Brotherhood for generations, the words they had been waiting two millennia for. Kane stepped aside and Andel reported what he’d seen.
    “And where is this thief at present?” The scorn in Marcus Brunger’s voice was a counterpoint to the awed whisperings that had started once Andel’s report was complete. “Still in jail I assume. Are we to believe that the Brotherhood of the Throne has been waiting in secret for two thousand years to save a common thief? Where is the proof of her royal bloodline?”
    “My apologies, Guild Master Brunger.” Kane’s voice rang out in the cavern. “I fear I wasn’t clear enough in my testimony. She obviously is not a common thief or old steel would not react to her, nor would she know the Call. And what exactly would you expect of the one who raises the Call? Clearly someone of low birth or questionable background would be the most likely to need the Brotherhood. A rightful heir to the throne would have no need of us.”
    “I agree.” Feiren Rowse once again took center stage. “Whether or not the proof witnessed here satisfies every one of us, I am convinced, and the council agrees with me, that the prophesy is in motion. The reason for the Brotherhood’s existence has come and we must respond.” The rest of the council, three men and one woman all nodded their agreement.
    “I trust my nephew’s testimony completely,” Feiren said. “As well, I’ve been expecting that our time to act would be soon.” Feiren held his hand up once again to quiet the sounds of surprise that followed his statement. “We have on the throne a king who has been ill for a very long time. A king who is now heading into his middle years with no heir of his blood, and no inclination to marry and sire one. His advisors, with the exception of my nephew, seem to have no desire for the king to marry.”
    “Why would they, when he’s named the Duke of Comack’s son his heir?” The shout came from the back of the room.
    “Precisely,” continued Feiren. “Why would they? But Beldyn of Comack has but one of the four bloodlines. If he becomes king then Soule may

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