Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1)

Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) by Jane Glatt Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Thief (Brotherhood of the Throne Book 1) by Jane Glatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Glatt
events,” Feiren said. “In the meantime Kane must arrange to have our lass’s bond bought out.”
    Kane nodded at his uncle’s words. It meant a trip to Thieves Quarter. It was almost midnight so he expected the Quarter to be a hive of activity.
    A few minutes later with a couple of heavy purses tucked close to his skin, Kane left his uncle’s house by one of the secret passages. This one turned him out into the center of Kingsreach, well away from his uncle’s house and only a few blocks from Thieves Quarter.
    Kane entered the Crooked Dog, his hat pulled low on his head. He’d been here before dressed as Master Arlott. His finely made but well-worn shirt, vest, and breeches blended in well enough with the downtrodden patrons of the pub. When he scanned the room his eyes burned slightly in air made thick by a drafty fire and cheap tallow candles. One of the two customers looked up at him and then, seeing no threat, went back to staring at the tankard in front of him. Kane walked warily over to the barkeep and placed a copper on the stained wood.
    “I need to speak to Eryl.” At the barkeep’s nod towards the back Kane slid the coin all the way across the bar, then headed to the door the barkeep had indicated. Two quick raps, then three long ones – the signal Kane had been told to use before – and the door opened a crack. A dark brown eye peered out at him.
    “I’m here to see Eryl about a delivery that’s been misplaced.”
    The door opened and a beefy man shifted his bulk just enough to allow Kane to squeeze past. The small room had a round table covered with wine jugs and empty glasses, a few hard wooden chairs pulled up to it. Eryl Fentin, self-proclaimed Master Thief, sat at the table. Besides the man on the door, two more members of his gang, these two obviously the worse for wine, were also in the room. One man, head down on the table, his cheek dipped into a puddle of wine, snored softly. The other was stretched out on a bench along the back wall, an arm dangling limply onto the filthy floor. The door closed behind Kane and he settled his gaze on Eryl.
    “Master Arlott. Good eve to you,” Eryl said. “You were not expected.” Small-boned and fine-featured, the man addressing Kane had the dark hair and eyes of one from the Falladian plains.
    “And good eve to you, Eryl Fentin.” Kane sat down across from Eryl. “We have business to discuss.”
    “Ah, I see you did not receive my message. We’ve had an unfortunate setback in regards to our efforts to make a certain delivery to you.”
    “Hah!” The drunk lifted his head off the table as he spoke. “Like as not she’ll give us all up to the Guard. Never did understand why ye fancied that witch.”
    Eryl sent the man a stern look. “That’s enough Millen. We have company. As I said, Master Arlott,” the thief turned back to Kane. “We’ve suffered an unfortunate set back.”
    “Which is why I’m here,” Kane said. And what exactly had the drunk meant by his comment about Eryl fancying Brenna? “My patron is aware of the circumstances you and your, er, associate find yourselves in. He’s asked that I come on his behalf to make amends.” What if Eryl and Brenna were coupled up? 
    “Despite the fact that the delivery was never made,” Kane continued, “the recent turn of events has been of some value to my patron,”
    “Has it now?” Eryl’s dark eyes glittered and he sat up straighter. “That is good news. Mayhap he’d want to be appreciative about that.”
    “So he has told me,” Kane assured him. “No doubt others would look to take advantage of the situation, but as I told you before, my patron is looking for dependable contacts for now and the future. He feels the least he can do his pay the girl’s bond price.” Kane had the attention of all four men in the room now and he watched warily as the two ‘drunks’ straightened up and eyed him soberly. Interesting. Eryl and his gang weren’t as undisciplined as

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