Those Red High Heels
be a martyr. “May I?” he asked, but didn’t wait for my response.
    I smiled and continued to sip my wine. He sat and stared at me for a minute before finally speaking again. “You know, you’re the first person who has jumped in my car unexpectedly, yelled at me to get out, and now the first to spit wine in my face.”
    I let out a nervous laugh and said, “I guess it can only go up from here, right?” which got a small laugh out of his beautiful mouth.
    “I guess you’re right. So, you’re here for the Donahue wedding?”
    Just as I was about to answer, a gorgeous woman slinked up besides my new companion and placed her arm around him. Yup, she was claiming her territory. My stomach sank, but I really shouldn’t have been surprised. Guys like him were always taken.
    “Darling, you snuck away for a minute and I couldn’t find you. I see you met a new friend. Don’t be rude, introduce us.” What was a guy like that doing with a woman like her? You could tell she was the type of woman who would cut your eyes out and eat them for breakfast while giggling to her other scary Stepford wife friends. I mentally shook that image from my brain and completely faced what could only be described as the most beautiful/scary woman on Earth.
    Before I even opened my mouth, my stranger turned toward me and said, “This is Emma Walker. She’s the maid of honor from Chicago, and is the woman I was telling Jennifer about at Purple Moon.”
    Emma Walker? Maid of honor? Purple Moon? How did he know this? Suddenly, everything in the room slowed down. It was like someone clicked a remote and everything began spinning in slow motion. The scary lady started talking, but I couldn’t understand her. My body became extremely warm and I felt as though I was going to burst into flames. I looked back and forth between my stranger and the woman. There could only be one explanation, my handsome man, my stranger, the guy who I had not only made myself look like a jackass in front of once, but twice, was Greyson Lyons? No, it couldn’t be. Aren’t there over three million people on this tiny island, and my mystery man had to be my connection to my new job? The man who was our marketing contact for my new mystery novel? I felt sick.
    “Emma, dear, are you okay?”
    I shook my head quickly and looked back at who could only be Nora Mathews, or the Ice Bitch as Collin and Brynn referred to her. “Yes, I’m so sorry. What did you say?”
    Nora looked back over at Greyson and then back to me. She gave me a disapproving look and placed a kiss on Greyson’s cheek. “I will let you two finish your conversation. I hope to see you later, Emma.”
    I shot her a tight smile and a little wave as she waltzed out of the room. I turned back and looked over to Greyson. “To say I’m embarrassed is an understatement,” I said in a quiet, almost hushed voice.
    Greyson gently placed his hand over mine. “Don’t be. I mean, I understand that spitting wine isn’t exactly how you want to meet someone; however, I did sneak up on you. I’ve been meaning to come by and meet you, but I’ve been out of town for the past few days, so I wasn’t able to before this party.”
    For some reason this man made me nervous. Maybe it was the power I knew he held, or that he was inhumanly good looking, if you like the dark haired, blue eyed, mysterious man type. If only I had seen a damn picture of him. Brynn and Collin talked a lot about their friend, Greyson, but mysteriously didn’t have a photo of him anywhere in their apartment. I felt like I was in a Lifetime movie. Collin did tell me the story of how he and Greyson crossed paths. Greyson was fresh out of business school and started working full-time at Lyons Media, the company he was about to inherit, and was working on a project that involved Collin’s production company. Apparently, the two hit it off right away and had been great friends ever since. Brynn told me Greyson had been under a tremendous amount

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